The knife

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Jean kept on getting bullied by all of her ex best friends, Audrey, Freddie, Jordan and Ally. It was Christmas Eve and she was crying into her pillow at night and she missed Harry.

"I miss you!" Jean cried.

"Jean?" Adamma woke up. "What's up?"

"I can't take it anymore." Jean grabbed a knife from her bag, she ran into the bathroom and she locked the door. "I can't stand it!"

"Jean!" Adamma banged on the door. Jean heard Adamma talk to someone and she heard the door open.

"Ada?" Mal said.

"It's Jean. She's in there with a knife." Adamma tried breaking down the door.

"I can't live like this anymore." Jean cried.

"Jean, open this door right now!" Jay helped Adamma.

"No!" Adamma looked into the mirror and she held the knife with both hands.

"Jean!" Carlos cried.

"Jean!" Mal shouted.

"Jean!" Evie kicked the door.

"Jeanetta!" Jay was bawling,

"I love you guys!" Jean then screamed. The others stopped banging and they heard a thud and saw blood on the floor.

"Jean!" They all shouted.

"Answer us!" Jay broke down the door and she saw Jean on the floor with the knife in her heart. "No!"

"Jean." Evie whispered. People where gathering in the dorm.

"Gangol, keep them out." Adamma started to cry. A Bengal tiger scared everyone out of the dorm.

"Jean, please wake up. Don't leave. I love you." Jay pulled out her necklace and he connected the two halves of a heart.

"She'll be safe in heaven." Mal turned around and she saw Mae, Matt and Max. "You caused this!" She battled her siblings. Amber and Coral appeared in the doorway. Carlos and Evie fought them.

"Oh my gosh. She's actually suicidal." Audrey gasped.

"This is your fault." Adamma whistled and four tigers pinned down Audrey, Freddie, Ally and Jordan.

"We didn't want her to die. Geez." Freddie looked at Adamma. "Ada, we're best friends."

"I don't want to be best friends with a bully." Adamma looked at Jay.

"Jean!" Gil ran to Jean. "Please let this be a nightmare."

"I regret kissing Uma." Harry took off his hat.

"This is horrible." Uma gasped.

"Everyone leave!" Jay shouted. Everyone but Adamma left.

"Jay, I'm so sorry." Adamma hugged Jay.

"She...she was my best friend." Jay cried. "I loved her more than I love Lonnie."

The end.

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