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Jean was walking to her next lesson when Audrey, Ally, Jordan and Freddie approached her.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" Jean smiled at them.

"You didn't invite us to your sweet sixteen birthday party." Audrey crossed her arms.

"I didn't organise it, ok. I don't know who did and we're not friends." Jean tried pushing pass them but Jordan stopped her.

"Who are we? Maleficent? We get invited to everything." Jordan pushed her over. Ally grabbed her backpack and she saw Dorado.

"Ew! Get it away from me! It's a monster!" Ally threw the bag at Jean's face.

"It's only a coconut crab. His name is Dorado." Jean took out Dorado. Ally grabbed her bag again.

"Ooh, homework." Freddie teared up Jean's art homework.

"Stop it!" Jean shouted.

"Math homework? Who needs math in their lives." Ally teared up the math homework.

"I need to hand that in today!" Jean cried.

"Tough." Jordan laughed. The floor started to turn to ice.

"Oh no." Jean closed her eyes and she turned the ice into water. "That was close."

"You're trying to kill us!" Audrey punched Jean in the eye.

"Get away from me!" Jean grabbed her eye in pain.

"Here's your dorm bag." Ally threw her backpack at her. Dorado walked into it.

"Good boy." Jean ran to her class. It was Math.

"Late again, Miss. VK." The teacher sighed as Jean took her seat.

"It wasn't my fault. I was being bullied." Jean panted.

"Likely story. Do you have your homework?"

"I did but the bullied teared it up." Jean took out her pencil case.

"Lunch time detention." The teach write that down in her book. The class looked at the lonely VK. After school had ended, Ella-Jo approached Jean.

"Hey, Ella. I'm glad you're here." Jean smiled.

"Jean, I'm kicking you out of the room." Ella-Jo walked away.

"What the?" Mae walked up to Jean from behind.

"I know. Weird." Jean turned around.

"Listen, me and the others love you but we're kicking you and Coral out of our group because you're ugly, soft and you two fight to much." Mae hugged Jean.

"What? When Jay hears about this."

"Shut up." Matt dragged Mae away. Jean ran to Jay's dorm.

"Hey, sis." Jay let her in.

"This is the worst day ever!" Jean cried.

"What's wrong?" Carlos asked her.

"Ella's kicked me out of my room, I've been kicked out of my friendship group and I've been bullied all day!" Jean lay down on Jay's bed.

"How dare they." Jay hugged Jean.

"And I almost let my powers lose control." Jean let out small snow flurries from her hand.

"Jean." Carlos hugged her.

"I have an idea." Jay dragged Carlos and Jean to a dorm. He knocked. Adamma opened the door.

"Jay! Carlos!" She let the three inside and it was filled with lions and tigers.

"Hey, Ada. This is my little sister Jean. Can she stay here?" Jay asked.

"Sure. Any friend of Jay and Carlos is a friend of mine." Adamma shook hands with Jean. "I'm Adamma but you can call me Ada."

"We'll leave you two alone." Carlos and Jay walked away.

"Cool room." Adamma smiled at her.

"I have some crazy roommates." She looked at the spare bed. "Husniya, move!"

"Can't be bothered." The lioness yawned.

"Move." Adamma whacked her across the head.

"Fine." The lioness slid to the floor.

"What type of tigers are the tigers?" Jean sat on the bed.

"Bengal. Do you have any pets?"

"Yep." Jean pulled out Dorado. "This is Dorado. He's a coconut crab."

"He's so cool." Adamma smiled at Dorado. "Why don't you have a dorm?" Jean told her why. "Freddie's one of my best friends."

"I don't know her very well. We're not classed as friends but Mal, Jay, Evie, Carlos, Lonnie, Doug, Dizzy, Jane, Ben, Nix and Pax are my only friends."

"Nix and Pax are my best friends!" Adamma stroked a young tiger.

"Me and you are gonna be good friends."

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