Enchanted Lake

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The VK's were walking with their torches shining in front of them. It was very snowy and Auradon was covered in snow. They were looking for any trails that Jean might have left behind.

"Jay, where are we going?" Carlos asked him.

"Um...I'm hoping to arrive at the Enchanted Lake." Jay shone is torch at Carlos.

"Dude!" Carlos moved the torch from out of his face. He shone it at Mal who was walking a few steps away from Jay. She slipped.

"Ow!" She landed on her back.

Her friends ran to her but they slipped. "Ow!"

"What in the..." Evie shone her torch on the floor and it was filled with ice. "This has to be left here by Jean."

"Maybe if we follow it, it might lead us to Jean." Jay got up. He helped his friends up and they followed the ice. "If I'm completely honest with you four, we might die and I love you four so much. You are my brother and sisters. But, Jean is my real sister and I don't know what to think or feel."

"She's your sister, Jay. Treasure her." Evie patted his shoulder.

Carlos started singing Tell It Like It Is from The Lodge. "Like a tiger in a cage. Feelings trapped inside your brain. Wanna say what you wanna say. But it's all locked inside."

"Gotta get things off your chest. Living life with no regrets. Just a little bit of confidence-" Evie walked next to Jay.

"Will let you speak your mind." Evie and Carlos smiled at each other.

"It's better to be honest. Than to hide yourself in silence." Mal placed a hand on Jay's shoulder.

"Woo-hoo. Just come on and tell it like it is. Woo-hoo. Just come out and say it. Take a chance and the words fall out. Open up 'til they hear you now. Woo-hoo. Just come on and tell it like it is." The three friends bumped fists. "Woo-hoo."

"Hey!" Mal twirled.

"Oh-oh-oh." Carlos slid in front of his friends.

"Oh, yeah!" Evie giggled.

"Woo-hoo." The three friends started skating. "One, two-"

"Three." Mal cleared her throat. "You can live life bottled up. And leave emotions in the dust. But when the words roll up your tongue-"

"The moments in your head." She sung with Carlos.

"Being real is powerful. Anything is possible." Carlos twirled both of the girls around.

"Take a breath and take control. There's no point holding back." Mal and Carlos skated back to Jay.

"It's better to be honest. Than to hide yourself in silence." Evie sung her part.

"Woo-hoo. Just come on and tell it like it is. Just come out and say it. Take a chance and the words fall out. Open up 'til they hear you now. Woo-hoo. Just come on and tell it like it is." The girls and Carlos sung. They all linked arms with each other.

"Oh-oh-oh." Carlos pushed both if the girls out of the way.

"Hey!" Evie smirked.

"Woo-hoo." The three started doing fouettés.

"Yeah!" Mal smiled.

"Hey!" Carlos noticed Jay looking confused.

"Woo-hoo." The three stopped.

"Ah-ooh-ooh." Evie rested an elbow on Carlos' shoulder.

"Oh-oh-oh. Hey!" Carlos crossed his arms over his chest.

"Woo-hoo." The three walked up to Jay.

"Yeah!" Mal elbowed Jay.

"One, two." Carlos smiled.

"Come on!" Evie teased.

"Close your eyes and feel the moments. No second guessing your emotions. Let it go, you've gotta show it. Own it, own it, own it." Jay sung.

"Woo!" Mal and Evie gave each other a high-five.

"Woo-hoo. Just come on and tell it like it is. Woo-hoo. Just come out and say it. Take a chance and the words fall out. Open up 'til they hear you now. Woo-hoo. Just come on and tell it like it is." They all did the Chillin' Like A Villain dance. "Woo-hoo."

"Yeah!" Mal cheered.

"Woo!" Jay felt alive.


"Ooh-ooh." Carlos ruffled Evie's hair.

"Come on and tell it like it is." Evie laughed.


"Ooh-ooh." Mal smiled at Jay.

"Oh-oh-oh." Jay smiled back at her.

"Hey!" Evie and Carlos chuckled.

"Woo-hoo. Just come on and tell it like it is."

"Thanks, guys. I needed that." Jay pulled Carlos closer to him.

"You two have definitely got a bromance." Evie laughed.

"You've got that right." Carlos smiled at Evie.

"I now know how I'm gonna open up to Jean." Jay looked at Mal who was on his right.

"Just come on and tell it like it is." Mal sung.

"I will. Jean may be my sister but I know that in my rotten to the core heart, I love her more than I love Lonnie." Jay shone his torch into the forest. The ice went into the forest. They continued to follow the ice.

"I know where to go." Mal led them through the forest. "She might have gone to the temple." Jay grabbed her shoulder. Evie grabbed his. Carlos grabbed her shoulder. Mal led them to the temple. It was covered in ice and Jean was singing Let It Go. When she was done, Jean started unleashing her powers.

She looked behind her and Jay was standing with his friends. "Jay?"

"Jean, calm down." Jay tried walking to her.

Jean kept on walking backwards. "I know how to use my powers, Jay." Her clothes changed to a red mermaid dress.

"But that's the point. You can control them. I know that you can redo your magic and you can make everything normal again." Jay slid up to her.

"I-I'm too dangerous for you." Jean created an ice bridge.

"You're not dangerous." Jay grabbed her arm.

"Yes I am." Jean grabbed his wrist. The two fought but to Mal, Evie and Carlos, it was more like a dance routine.

"I know you, Jean. You're not dangerous."

"I can't control my powers." Jean was crying.

"Just come on and tell it like it is." Jay sung.

"Don't try to Lodge me, Jay!" Jean decked him and she sent a small blizzard to him so he slid to his friends.

"Are you ok, dude?" Carlos helped him up with Evie and Mal.

"I'm fine. I don't think I can defeat her." Jay looked at his friends.

"Remember, you're not tying to defeat her, you're trying to calm her down and make peace with her." Evie pushed him towards Jay.

"Jean, I am not joking about what I'm about to say." Jay took a deep breath.

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