For The First Time In Forever

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Jay started singing For The First Time In Forever.

"Please don't shut me out again. Please don't slam the door. You don't have to keep your distance anymore. 'Cause for the first time in forever, I finally understand. For the first time in forever. We can fix this hand in hand. We can head to Auradon together. You don't have live in fear. 'Cause for the first time in forever, I will be right here." Jay smiled warmly at her.

"Jayden, please go back home, your life awaits. Go enjoy the sun and live with your friends." Jean sighed.

"Yeah, but-" Jay tried to speak.

Jean interrupted him. "I know. You mean well, but leave me be. Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free. Just stay away and you'll be safe from me."

"Actually we're not." Jay shook his head.

"What do you mean you're not?" Jean asked.

"I get the feeling you don't know."

"What do I not know?"

"Auradon's in deep, deep, deep, deep snow." Jay said calmly.

"What?!" Jean gasped.

"You've kind of set off an eternal winter...everywhere." Jay said.

"Everywhere?" Jean started feeling guilty.

"Well, it's okay, you can just unfreeze it." Jay smiled.

"No, I can't, I-I don't know how."

"Sure you can. I know you can."

"Cause for the first time in forever/Oh, I'm such a fool, I can't be free. You don't have to be afraid/No escape from the storm inside of me. We can work this out together/ I can't control the curse. You'll reverse the storm you've made/Jayden please, you'll only make it worse. Don't panic/There's so much fear. We'll make the sun shine bright/You're not safe here. We can face this thing together, we can change this winter weather and every thing will be all right."

"I can't!" Jean sung from the top of her lungs as a lot of ice and freezing water sprouted from around her and it all got Jay in his heart. Jay fell back onto the ice.

"Jay!" His friends ran to him.

"Ow. My heart." Jay stood up.

"Jay, I'm so sorry." Jean said quietly.

"What have you done to our Jay?" Mal pushed Jean over.

"M, it's fine." Jay grabbed his heart in pain.

"Jay, we have to get you back to Auradon." Evie wrapped Jay's arm around her.

"No, I want to stay here with Jean." Jay started to cry.

"No. We are getting you back to the school. Fairy Godmother or Jane will have to heal you." Carlos wrapped Jay's other arm around him.

"Let's go." Mal shone her torch in front of her and she led her friends to the school.


Jay woke up in his bed the next day at night. Mal and Evie were sitting on his bed. Evie was stroking his hair and Mal was holding his hand. Carlos sitting on his own bed, twiddling his thumbs.

"Where's Jean?" Jay woke up.

"Jay!" Mal and Evie screamed as they hugged him.

"Rise and shine, princess." Carlos laughed as he sat next to Mal.

"Where's Jean? I need to see her. I need to find her." Jay sat bolt upright in his bed. He realized that he was in his pajamas.

"No. The doctor said that you must stay in bed. Jean has frozen your heart and...there's no solution." Evie carried on stroking his hair.

"What? I'm gonna die?" Jay was about to cry.

"Yes." Carlos looked at his feet. There was a continuous knock on his door.

"Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys!" Lonnie, Ben, Doug, Jane and Dizzy shouted from the hallway. Carlos opened the door and the others ran to Jay.

"How are you feeling, Jay?" Doug asked him.

"I guess I'm half and half." Jay lay down again.

"The doctor told us about the accident." Jane hugged Jay.

"You can't die!" Dizzy started to cry.

"I love you." Lonnie kissed her boyfriend.

"How did Anna's frozen heart unfreeze?" Ben asked his friends.

"Elsa opened up to her and she showed the frozen Anna her love for her." Evie moved out of the way as Jay got changed into his Isle clothes.

"I'm going to find Jean. I'm not trying to unfreeze my heart, I'm trying to stop this winter before it gets out of hand. Don't come with me 'cause Jean is very dangerous. I want you guys to be safe and happy." Jay opened the door but Lonnie stopped him.

"Don't be stupid, Jay. We are coming with you. At least I am." Lonnie hugged him. Jay squeezed her tightly.

"Me, Mal, Evie and Carlos are coming as well. Dizzy, Doug and Jane will stay here to cover us." Ben walked to his dorm.

"Lon, come with me and Mal. I have the perfect outfit for you." Evie led Mal and Lonnie to her dorm.

"We love you, Jay." Jane smiled at him. Jay pulled her into another hug. Jane walked out of his room.

"Well, it's been good knowing you." Doug and Jay hand hugged. Doug walked away.

"Dizzy." Jay got to her level. "We didn't even know that each other existed until you came to Auradon and all this time in Auradon with each other, I've loved you, as a little sister. You are just like my little sister and I love you as one." Jay and Dizzy hugged.

"I love you as a big brother." Dizzy whispered through her tears. Dizzy ran to her dorm. Jay closed the door.

"Wow, that was deep." Carlos sat on his bed.

"What do you mean?" Jay laughed.

"The way you opened up to Dizzy was the cutest thing you've ever said." Carlos laughed.

"Shut up." Jay smiled at him.

"Guys, we're ready." Lonnie opened the door.

"Let's go." The VK's, Ben and Lonnie ran out of the school.

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