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Everyone was crying over the loss of Jay. Dizzy, Doug and Jane were with them.

"Jay, you were the dirtiest no good I had ever met." Mal cried into Ben's chest.

"You were truly bad to bone." Evie wrapped her arms around Doug's arm.

"And you had always had even worst intentions." Carlos hugged Jane.

"Jay, you were my big brother." Dizzy held hands with Evie.

"You were always the boy I was looking for. You were my dream boyfriend." Lonnie bowed her head.

"Jay! I love you! Please don't leave me!" Jean hugged her lifeless brother. "You protected me! I didn't mean any of the awful things I've said to you! We may be good in our hearts but me and you are the evil Jafar siblings!" Jean cried on to the ice statue of Jay. Everyone but her bowed their heads.

"You were very lucky to have him as your brother, cupcake." Harry hugged his girlfriend from behind.

"Jay was always the cute one. No offense, Carlos." Uma looked at Carlos.

"None taken." Carlos cried.

"He was the best fencer I knew." Harry sighed.

"Jay...you was my big brother best friend forever." Jean squeezed Jay hard.

"Jay was the best thief I knew." Gil hugged Uma.

"He taught me how to be evil." Ben wiped the tears from his eyes.

"He was my best friend." Doug pulled Evie into his chest.

"He was a brilliant dancer." Jane squeezed Carlos hard.

"He was rotten to the core." Jean, Mal, Evie and Carlos said together.

"Jay, I love you." Jean kissed Jay's cheek. Mal, Evie and Carlos brought her away from the statue. And the individually hugged her. Starting from his feet, the ice started to melt. Once the ice had gone from his hair, Jay was alive. He dropped Jean's staff. "Jay!" Jean threw herself into her brother's arms.

"Jean!" Jay hugged his sister. He saw Uma, Harry and Gil. "What are they doing here?"

"It's ok. Ben brought them in. Uma and Gil are my friends and Harry is my boyfriend of two months."

"Aw, my little sister has a bad boy boyfriend." Jay pinched her cheek.

"Stop it. You're making me blush." Jean laughed. "I'm so glad you're back to normal."

"Yeah. Same." Jay looked at Lonnie.

"Babe!" Lonnie ran up to Jay. The two hugged. "I knew you would never leave me."

"Nothing can separate us." Jay kissed her. They pulled away. Ben, Doug, Jane, Harry, Uma and Gil greeted him with pats on the back.

"Jay!" Dizzy hugged him tightly.

Jay picked her up and hugged her. "Hey, Dizz." Jay kissed her cheek and he placed her down on the floor.

"Saving the best for last, huh?" Evie giggled.

"You've got that right." Jay opened his arms. Mal, Evie and Carlos ran to him to hug him but the four fell to the floor. Everyone laughed.

"I can't believe you're alive!" Carlos hugged him tightly.

"We've got out Jay back!" Mal cheered.

"Auradon would never be the same without you!" Evie kissed his cheek.

"Now, I say we undo this blizzard." Jay pointed at Jean.

"That's the best idea I've ever heard." Jean smiled and she held her hands out in front of her. With her mind focused, she was able to turn the ice into water, make a huge bubble and send it to the ocean and it popped.

"I knew you could do it." Jay hugged his sister.

"I love you, Jay." Jean started to cry tears of joy.

"I love you too, Jean." Jay walked over to his VK friends. Harry picked up Jean and he started to spin her around.

"I'm so happy for you right now I could kiss you!" He realized what he said and he placed her on the floor. Everyone was looking at him. "I could. I mean, I'd like to. I–may I? We me? I mean, may we? Wait, what?" Jean laughed at him and she put her finger to his lips.

"We may." She pulled Harry towards her and they kissed.

"That's what I call chemistry, am I right, E?" Jay looked at Evie.

"That's better than any experiment I've ever seen or done." Evie laughed.

"Jay, shut up. You're embarrassing me." Jean blushed.

"My little Jean is all grown up. She's got a boyfriend and she's had her first kiss." Jay laughed.

"Shut up before I turn you to ice again." Jean saw her staff on the floor. "Harry, can you pass me my staff?" Harry gave her the staff.

"Jean, are you gonna be good for now on?" Ben asked her.

"Of course!" Jean smiled. Everyone cheered.

"Jean!" Ella-Jo ran to Jean.

"Ella!" Jean let Ella-Jo hug her.

"Oh, here's your pet crab monster thing." Ella-Jo gave Jean Dorado.

"Hey, buddy." Jean hugged Dorado. Everyone in the school ran outside but they stopped once they saw Jean, Uma, Harry and Gil. Fairy Godmother, Beast and Belle ran to Ben.

"Dad, Mom, it's fine. Jean is Jay's now good sister. Uma, Harry and Gil are close to Jean." Ben smiled at the four.

"Are you sure, son?" Beast couldn't trust his son.

"Trust me." Ben pulled Mal in for a kiss.

"Students, Auradon is back to normal!" Fairy Godmother announced. The students cheered.

"Fairy Godmother, it's all my fault. I was the one who cursed Auradon and I shouldn't have messed with magic in the first place. You can punish me however you like." Jean bowed her head.

"You get an after school detention tomorrow night." Fairy Godmother walked away.

"Jean, we're all in this together." Jay heard the band play.

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