#8. You Two Are Just Friends and You're Fighting So He Kisses You...

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You Two Are Just Friends and You're Fighting So He Kisses You...

Niall: "I can't believe you broke my guitar!" Niall exclaims, looking down at the damaged strings with frustration. "I'm sorry, okay? My dog chewed the strings because YOU left your guitar here! I told you to bring it home!" you spit back, rolling your eyes. "Well I didn't think you'd be irresponsible and let anything happen to it!" he growls, his blue eyes dark. "Who cares? It's not like you can't afford a new guitar with your pretty boy rich ass!" you snap, a bit surprised. You two NEVER fight like this. "I shouldn't have to buy a new one," he takes a step closer to you, forcing you back up against the wall. He looked really hot when he was angry and apparently you did, too. The next thing you know his lips are smashed against yours and his hands are around your waist. "You make me so...frustrated," he purrs between kisses, placing his hand on your cheek. "I should make you frustrated more often," you reply, running your fingers through his hair.

Harry: "Oh, and tomorrow night I can't come to your party," Harry says quickly, sliding on his coat. You two had been watching movies together and tomorrow was your big birthday party. "What?" you look at him with surprise and furrow your brows. "But I've been planning it for months and you're my best friend." He frowns and buttons up his coat, sliding on his beanie over his curls. "I'm sorry, (Y/N), I've got to go to this big promo event," he sighs, reaching out and placing a hand on your shoulder. You shake it off. "Oh, save it. Have fun at your fancy ass event. I'm so glad I mean that little to you that you're missing my birthday," you growl, hiding your sadness with anger. "You know I don't WANT to miss it! I have to!" he protests, slightly angry. "You know I care about you so damn much. I'd do anything for you." You shake your head and he places his hands on yours. "Would you, Harry? Would you really? It sure doesn't seem like it," you begin, but he cuts you off by leaning in close and pressing his lips to yours. "I've been wanting to do that and you just look really hot when you're angry at me even though I hate when you're angry with me I just--" he begins, but this time you're the one that cuts him off by resuming the kiss.

Zayn: "You're so annoying sometimes, Zayn! Can you stop touching my hair," you move away from his hand and angrily shake your head. You two had been watching a movie and he'd been playing with your hair. Usually you wouldn't mind--but you had to be at your friend's wedding in a little while and you didn't want your hair to get ruined. "Sorry!" he exclaims sarcastically, raising his hands in surrender. "No need to be so snippy." You scoot away from him on the couch and cross your arms. "Says the pretty boy who screams when you even go near his hair," you retort, rolling your eyes. "God forbid someone mess up ZAYN'S hair." His eyes flicker with faint amusement and he leans in close, his breath close to your cheek. "Mess it up, go ahead," he purrs, placing his hands on either side of you on the couch. Your breath hitches for a moment before you reach out and run your fingers through his soft locks. "God, (Y/N). You can be so clueless," he sighs, leaning over and hungrily leaning in for a kiss. Looks like your hair got messed up after all--not like you cared anymore.

Louis: "You almost got me suspended!" you exclaim, slamming the door to his flat behind you. "Sorry! I didn't know you were at school," he sighs, rolling his eyes. He'd texted you in class and your phone had gone off really loud. This was the fourth time this month and your principal was really getting mad. "Well, SOME of us actually care about our education and have to learn stuff. We can't all be famous," you snap, automatically regretting the words you'd said. His face falls and his lips part in surprise. "Is that what you think of me? Do you think I'm dumb?" he growls, tossing his car keys on the kitchen table. The way his jaw tensed and his eyes sparkled saphire was pretty hot--angry Louis was very, very hot. "So dumb," you whisper, watching wide-eyed as he takes a step closer to you, forcing you to step back against the kitchen counter. "Then let's be dumb together," he purrs, his lips meeting yours as he lifts you up onto the counter.

Liam: "How could you be so...ignorant?" Liam questions, scolding you like a child. With one shoe and smeared mascara you sit on the middle of your sofa, trying to remember what happened last night. You'd gotten a bit crazy and ended up in the middle of nowhere--he'd come to pick you up at three in the morning. "Oh, save it. You're not my dad. I don't need a lecture," you spit, your head pounding from the lights. "I was worried about you, you know? Damn it, I care about you a lot," he frowns, sitting across from you on the sofa. "Then leave me alone and let me sleep," you grumble, slightly enjoying how his jaw tensed and his eyebrows furrowed at your comments. "Agh, (Y/N)! Sometimes you just make me want to..." his eyes trail to your lips and he quickly looks away. "Want to, what?" you ask deviously, placing your hand on his chin. "Want to do this," he growls, leaning over and crashing his lips against yours.

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