#159. He his you in front of another boy. (PART 2)

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Harry: You weren’t sure how long you were on the floor, but you just sat there with Niall rubbing your back. The house had been silent until this moment. You heard a door in the hallway open and close, the sound of feet padding feet across the hardwood floor soon following, alerting you that Harry was coming back. He walked back into the living room, not noticing Niall and you at first. But it didn’t take him long. “What the hell is going on?!” he boomed, all the anger rushing back. Niall stood up, helping you. “Harry, first off, you need to calm down,” he said calmly. “No! I won’t calm down, I just walked in on you with your hands on my girlfriend!” Was it even processing in his mind that he had just physically hurt you? And he was getting mad at Niall for looking after you? “Harry, if you can’t quite remember, you were the one who shoved me to the floor and just left! You have no right to be getting mad at Niall,” you said sharply. Harry’s face softened. “I-I…” He fell onto the couch, hiding his face in his hands. “I’m so sorry (Y/N)…” he finally got out. You let out a sigh and looked at Niall, who was looking at Harry with mixed emotions. You couldn’t believe you were doing this, but you believed that he was actually sorry. There was just something behind his words that was extremely sincere. You walked over to the couch, sitting next to him and putting a hand on his back. “Harry… you know this can’t happen ever again right?” He looked up and immediately began nodding. “If I give you this chance, and this happens again, I will be leaving. But… I have faith in you Harry. There’s no excuse for it.” “(Y/N), I swear on my life I will never lay another harmful hand on you again. God baby, I promise.” You gave him a small smile. “This is going to take some time Harry, but hopefully we’ll work it out.” He nodded, understanding what you were saying. “Can I give you a hug..?” he asked once you finished. “Yes Harry.” He was careful and slow, but gave you a gentle, protective hug. “I promise (Y/N), I won’t let you down.”

Liam: Louis brought you back to his place that night. You were still shaken from what had happened. Liam, of all people, was the one to cause you any harm. You just couldn’t believe it. “All we’ve been doing is fighting Lou. I just… I can’t live like that.” Another round of tears came on, making you hide your face away from Louis. “(Y/N)… I know love… c’mere, babe.” You felt his arms go around you and pull you into him. “You don’t have to do this Lou…” you mumbled into the fabric of his t-shirt. “I want to babe… You shouldn’t have to put up with that. Especially from your own boyfriend.” “Ex-boyfriend,” you corrected. “I refuse to stay with someone who thinks its okay to hit me, or even lay a hand on me at all.” You felt Louis nod. “I wouldn’t do any of that to you,” he said quietly, but you still heard it. “What did you say Lou?” you asked, pulling your head back but keeping your body against his. Louis sighed, repeating himself louder. “I said, I would never do any of that to you.” You stared at him when it hit you. Louis was the one you wanted. You were realizing your feelings for Louis were much stronger than you thought and now was your chance. You were close enough now and he hadn’t pulled back. So, with no more hesitation, you moved up just enough to lightly press your lips to Louis’. His grip on you tightened slightly as he kissed back, making you smile for the first time in hours. He smiled and pulled back, cupping your cheek. “Stay with me…” he said, and you nodded without hesitation. He would never hurt you, and this time, you could actually believe it.

Niall: The following morning, you walked into the bathroom and gasped when you saw your face. Your nose was purple as was the area around it. You really didn’t think the hit was that hard, but obviously you were proven wrong. You didn’t bother covering it up because you knew it was just Niall and Harry in the house. Plus, this wasn’t the first time this had happened. Niall had come home drunk before and had hit you. But you couldn’t keep forgiving him. When you got downstairs, Harry was watching the TV and Niall was nowhere to be seen. He must’ve still been in bed. “Hey Harry,” you greeted, walking into the kitchen. “Morning (Y/N),” he replied, getting up and following you. “How’s your nose?” he asked, not seeing it as your back was turned away from him. “You tell me?” You turned to face him and he gasped the same way you had earlier. “I know… pretty bad right?” “I didn’t know he hit you that hard…” “I know me neither… the sad part is this isn’t the first time this happened Harry,” you said with a sigh. “Wait, what..? He’s done this before?” Harry asked in disbelief. You nodded in reply and waited for him to do something. “(Y/N)… no… he may be one of my best friends, but he cannot treat you like that. You deserve to be treated gently and with care! Not get a beating every time he comes home drunk! Which we both know is quite often.” You stared at him, mixed emotions running through your body. You didn’t want to leave Niall, but at the same time you couldn’t stay with him. You finally let yourself break in front of him, but he was there to catch you. “Harry, I can’t stay here. God, I’m so scared of him!” you cried, gripping onto the young man tightly. “I know (Y/N)… I’m not gonna let him hurt you babe. I promise… Come stay with me. Please. I’ll protect you,” he murmured into your ear. He helped you stand back up, continuing to keep you in his arms. “Please Harry… Please.” He nodded in reply, quickly writing a note, telling Niall the two of you would be back for your stuff later in the week.

Zayn: You had been staying at Liam’s flat for the past week and during that time, your phone had been filling up with texts and voice mails from none other than Zayn. But you ignored them all. You really didn’t want to talk to him after what happened. And staying with Liam allowed you to relax for a good while. He didn’t push you to talk to Zayn or anything. You just really appreciated him giving you a safe place. But, Zayn wasn’t doing as well as you were. You missed him, yes, but he was going absolutely insane. The guilt was eating at him. He was positive he had lost you but he was going to try one more time to get you back. And that meant leaving the flat and coming to Liam’s. At about 3:00pm that day, there was a knock on the door. For some reason, you just knew it was Zayn, so you sat on the stairs, watching Liam open the front door. Your guess was right. At the door stood a very dishevelled looking Zayn. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was a mess. Liam invited him in and you began listening to their conversation. “Where’s (Y/N)? Is she here?” Liam nodded. “Yes, but maybe it would be best if you didn’t see her.” Zayn’s face fell even more than it already had over the past few days. “Liam… I need to see her…” he said, almost begging. “Zayn…” “Liam please! I just need to tell her how sorry I am. I don’t expect her to want to come back to me. I stepped over the line. Way over Liam… I just… I need to apologize. Please, this guilt is eating me alive!” Sitting on the stairs and listening to his plea’s made you realize how much you still loved him. So you stood up and walked down the stairs, getting both boys attention. “(Y/N)?” Zayn breathed out, looking at you and not breaking his eyes off of you. You walked over standing close to Zayn and looking into his eyes. “I heard what you said just now… Zayn… what you did was wrong.” “I know baby. God I know. That was way out of line, I should never ha-” You cut him off. “Zayn I know… I know. Please calm down… As scary as that was, and let me tell you, it was terrifying… I love you. I always will. I’m willing to give you another chance if you’re willing to work with me to try and figure out some other ways to relieve your stress so it never gets that bad again.” He barely even let you finish before his arms were around you. “Yes baby yes… of course. Anything… Just please don’t leave.” You hugged him back and nuzzled his neck. “I’m not leaving Zayn.” You tightened the grip around him, in reassurance that you were right there. Before leaving, you thanked Liam for everything, and headed back home, where you and Zayn would hopefully remain happy and safe in each other’s arms.

Louis: “Babe… do you think you can tell me what happened?” Zayn asked softly while driving you back to his place. You sniffled back more tears and managed to get the majority of the story out. “He… he… I… He cheated on me Zayn… He even admitted to it… I just… I’m not a bad person for not forgiving him right?” You needed reassurance from someone that you were doing the right thing. “Babe, of course not. If anything you’re doing the right thing. The trust you had for him is probably gone… He doesn’t deserve you (Y/N). He clearly doesn’t care as much as you thought. But don’t think this is your fault either. You did nothing wrong to make him do this. You’re an amazing girl, and Louis lost something incredibly precious.” You couldn’t help but find yourself blushing at Zayn’s words. “Trust me (Y/N), any guy on this planet would be lucky to have such a beautiful girl like you. Even when you cry you’re gorgeous babe. I just… I don’t understand how anyone could hurt you at all.” You were quiet as Zayn finished up his little rant. You were staring at him in awe. All those words sounded like they came from his heart. “Zayn I…” “I just love you (Y/N) and seeing you hurt by him breaks my heart.” You froze. Did he really just say he loved you? You were just about to say the same thing to him. There was something deep inside you that had always loved Zayn. You weren’t sure why, but his words just confirmed the feelings you had for him. “I love you too Zayn… I truly do…”

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