#74. He Gets Jealous When You Spend Time With Another Member.

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He Gets Jealous When You Spend Time With Another Member.

Harry – You arrived at the beach early. It was around 6am, the weather was amazing and the beach was empty. You turned round as you heard someone yell your name. You turned round to see Liam running towards you. “Hey Liam” you shouted back smiling. “I hope you’re ready for your first surfing lesson Y/N, it’s the perfect weather for it is well,” he said smiling and looking out at the ocean. “Yeah I can’t wait, let’s get started” you said smiling at him, “we have till 10, that’s when Harry is coming to pick me up”. You and Liam spent the next four hours trying to get you to stay upright on a surfboard for longer than three seconds and as the morning continued, you were actually getting a lot better at it. Still not great, but at least you were improving. At least that’s how Liam put it, “baby steps, Y/N, you’ll get there eventually, we can come and practice every few days if you’re up for it?” he asked as he dried himself off. “Yeah that would be great Liam, are you sure it’s not too much of an inconvenience?” you asked as you peeled your wetsuit off the top half of your body showing off your revealing red bikini top. Liam’s eyes widened slightly but then replied “no of course not, plus you’re fun to hang out with” he said smiling. Come on, since Harry isn’t here yet, let’s put the board down on the sand and I can show you how to stand on it to stop yourself from falling off so quickly. Liam placed his hands on your bare waist as he tried to adjust your stance and eventually you had nailed it. “That’s amazing, Y/N, you’re doing really well considering today was your first day surfing” you laughed and pulled him into a hug. “Thanks Liam, I really appreciate it”. You then heard someone clear their throat behind you and you pulled away from Liam to see Harry standing staring at the two of you with a look of distrust and suspicion on his face. “You ready to go Y/N?” he asked bluntly. “Yeah” you smiled as you ran over to him and hugged him before pressing your lips to his. “Liam do you need a ride?” you asked. “No thanks,” he said looking slightly nervous all of a sudden. “I’m meeting Sophia here in like 10 minutes anyway” he said before smiling and walking away. “Well that was strange,” you said looking up at Harry, “why did he get so uncomfortable all of a sudden”. Harry didn’t say anything, and you sat in the car in silence for a few minutes before you eventually turned to him. “Harry, I’m not a mind reader you know. If something’s bothering you, you have to tell me what it is,” you said laughing. He stared straight ahead without looking at you and muttered “I don’t want Liam teaching you how to surf anymore” in reply. “Wait what? Why?” you asked, confused. “Because, it makes me uncomfortable” he said as he shifted in his seat. “Harry, are you jealous?” you asked laughing loudly. “So what if I am Y/N?” he replied defensively. “There’s no need to be jealous Harry, I love you, and no amount of surf lessons is going to change that. You need to relax okay babe?” He smiled and looked over at you before replying, “I love you too, but just remember you’re mine, and Liam better remember that too” he said placing his hand on your thigh and rubbing it a little. “Don’t worry babe, I’ll make sure he does” you said laughing before lifting his hand off of your thigh and pressing a kiss onto his knuckles.

Liam – You got ready in yours and Liam’s room as he slept trying to be as quiet as possible so you didn’t wake him up. You had just finished putting your hair up in a messy topknot and applying some lipstick when you heard him stir behind you. “Where are you going Y/N?” he asked sleepily, “come back to bed, I wanna cuddle,” he looked up at you with the best sad puppy look he could pull. “Liam you know I can’t I have plans to go shopping with Zayn today” and just as you finished speaking, you heard someone knock on your door, “and that will be him now”. You smiled at Liam, “look I won’t be home late, and we’ll have plenty of time to cuddle later”. He looked up at you with a frown on his face “you and Zayn spend so much time together”. “I know babe, but he’s my friend, plus he gives the best fashion advice” you laughed and placed a kiss on his lips. “I’ll be home in the afternoon, call me if you need anything” you said before closing the bedroom door and going down to meet Zayn. You spent the day together shopping and laughing, you even went for lunch together. You managed to get quite a few new clothes and were pretty happy with the results of your shopping trip. “Zayn do you want to come back to the flat for a bit, I have a few pairs of shoes and a couple of bags that I bought the other day and I can’t decide if I should keep them or return them”. He laughed at you “see Y/N, this is why you shouldn’t go shopping without me, but yeah, I’ll come back for a bit. It would be cool to see Liam anyway” he smiled and you made your way home. You arrived back at around 3pm and Liam was sitting in the living room watching TV “Hey babe,” you shouted, “I’m home, Zayn’s here as well”. He didn’t reply until you actually walked into the room where he greeted Zayn normally and they sat and chatted for a while as you continued to ask him for fashion advice. “Hey guys, it’s getting late, I better get home otherwise Perrie will be wondering where I’ve gotten to” he said laughing before saying bye, hugging you and kissing you on the cheek. As soon as he left the flat, Liam went quiet and sat ridged next to you as you tried to cuddle into his side. “Liiaaammm” you whined as you tried to get him to loosen up. “What’s wrong?” you asked pouting at him. “You spend so much time with Zayn, are you bored of me?” he asked getting straight to the point. “Bored of you?” I asked, shocked, “how could I ever get bored of you Liam, I love you”. He smiled at you, “sometimes I feel like I need reminded, I get jealous and paranoid sometimes” he said as he looked down into his lap, embarrassed. “Well Li, you have absolutely no reason to be, I’m all yours,” you said before planting a kiss on his lips and cuddling into him as he finally began to relax.

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