#90. You see his room for the first time, what does it look like?

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You see his room for the first time, what does it look like?

               Harry - You’re kissing, like a lot. His hips and torso push you backwards against the door as he fumbles with the doorknob. His hands wander from your body and search the wall for the light switch. His room is neat and tidy; a few pictures are tapped to the blue walls along with some posters of his favourite bands and sports stars. Framed on the bedside table is a picture of the two of you on an earlier date. The thick carpet is soft and warm. On his desk lies his laptop, the screensaver is of a scenic view of Holmes Chapel. He chucks his phone and wallet beside a fishbowl that contains his goldfish “Stallone.” A shelf above his bed contains One Direction’s many awards and trophies. “Where were we?” He asks, snapping your attention from the room and back to your previous activities.

               Louis - You’re having a movie night. He’s invited you over to marathon Lord Of The Rings and maybe Pirates of the Caribbean if you have time. He invites you inside and directs you upstairs before running back down to make some popcorn. His room is a mess, clothes, papers, and other items are scattered across the floor. His desk is covered in papers, contracts, letters, and ticket stubs. One wall is completely covered in articles about One Direction, from the X-factor days to last week’s award show and everything in between. He enters carrying a bowl of popcorn under his arm. Louis pushes the crap from his bed onto the floor and invites you to cuddle in as he sets up the first film You notice the mug you bought him sits on his bedside table, full of cold, forgotten tea from earlier that day.

               Liam - You’re staying in for dinner because you’ve had a busy week with school and work. When you ask to use the bathroom he gives you directions to the master suite. Walking through his room you notice that scattered on the walls are a few of the band’s successes (platinum albums, top songs, awards). The large bed takes up most of the room its white sheets, pillows and duvet are made; but wrinkled as if done in a hurry.  You notice the navy sweater you bought him a few weeks ago is lying on the back of his chair tucked up to his antique maple desk. His laptop, camera, phone, ipod are all on the work surface along with unfinished pieces of sheet music and lyrics that are bound to be future hits.

               Niall - You came to visit Niall for the evening but when a bad storm hits you become snowed in. Niall insists you stay the night in order to keep safe from the icy roads. He walks you upstairs so he can lend you something to sleep in. You stand in the door while he rummages through his dresser looking for something fitting. His bed is grey with an oxblood duvet and pillows. A large bay window on the Northern wall of the room looks out upon the London streets. His guitar, amp, and a music stand take up the furthest corner of the room and his extra guitars are hanging on the wall. A large framed picture of the band finds it’s place between two of the instruments. You notice that the desktop background of his computer is a picture of you two while you were on a walk on a summer’s day.

               Zayn – When Zayn’s mum invited the two of you to stay with them for the weekend you couldn’t resist. His mum still lives in his childhood home no matter how many times Zayn offers to buy her a nicer, bigger house closer to him. Zayn walks you towards his childhood room and before he opens the door he looks you in the eyes and says, “Don’t laugh.” The walls are an obnoxious green, and the small room is clean but only from being uninhabited. Posters of old bands, newspsper articles and half-naked women litter the walls. A stolen stop sign is hung proudly above the twin bed and an ancient desktop sits dusty on the desk.  The closet is full of old clothes he doesn’t wear and extra linens for guests. You can’t help but let out a small giggle at the absolutely massive pile of Spiderman comics stacked 5 feet high in the corner of the room. “YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN’T LAUGH!”

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