#153. Another Man Hits You..

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Harry: When you and Harry got together, it wasn’t just some random coincidence. The two of you had actually been friends for years and over those years, the feelings between you and him just became easier to see that they could no longer be ignored. You had been dating another man at the time and he was trouble. The mental and physical pain he caused you was too much for Harry to watch so he got you out of that situation and from that moment on, the two of you had become inseparable. One evening, the two of you were having a simple, but romantic dinner when the doorbell rang. You sighed and went to answer it but when the door opened, the fear you thought was gone all came rushing back. “What are you doing here?” you stuttered, trying to keep a calm composure. “I want you back (Y/N),” your ex scowled, a strong look of lust flickering in his eyes. “No, we broke up and for a good reason. I’m not coming back and you’re leaving. I never want to see you again.” You went to try and close the door, but he caught it in time and let out a dark chuckle. “No, you don’t understand… you don’t have a choice.” He raised his hand and everything happened in slow motion. It flew down and pain radiated through your cheek. You whimpered and slunk back as he towered over you. “Harry,” you cried out, terrified of what would happen. “What- Hey! What the hell are you doing here?” he boomed, storming up to your ex. Your ex gave him a smile and Harry turned his head to look at you, noticing your bruised and swelling cheek. “You didn’t…” he growled, turning his attention back to the monster that stood in front of him. “You wanna bet?” You could tell Harry was trying his hardest to keep cool, but that cover was crumbling. His fists curled into balls and his face began to turn red. “Get out,” he said through clenched teeth. “GET OUT!” Harry shouted when your ex didn’t move. The look on Harry’s face was enough to scare the cowardly man away and once he was gone, Harry’s whole demeanor changed. It went from tough guy to loving boyfriend in three seconds flat. “Babe?” he asked, approaching your shrivelled figure on the floor. He dropped to his knees and the look of fear on your face was enough to bring a tear to his eye. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you,” he sniffed, carefully wrapping his arms around you, fearing you’d wince away from him. But you didn’t. You wrapped your arms around him and cried into his shoulder. “Don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault.” “But…” “No but’s Harry. It’s okay. I’m okay, you’re okay,” you said, trying to calm down your boyfriend. “I swear right here and now (Y/N), no man including me will ever hurt you. I love you too much.” You smiled at his words, truly touching your heart. “I love you Harry.” “We should go put some ice on this,” he whispered, stroking the purple and green mark on your face. He gave you his hand to help you stand up and then took you to the kitchen where he made sure you were okay. He was your saviour and as long as you had him, you were protected and loved.

Liam: School couldn’t get any worse. Your morning had started off with you getting shoved into some lockers by some preppy girls. Then your best friend started up an argument that didn’t even involve you, yet she won’t talk to you now. By now you were in that ‘I don’t want to deal with people’ mood. You tried to avoid every ounce of human interaction and were so far succeeding until your main bully, Kyle came up and blocked your escape path. “Move,” you mumbled, just wanting to get out to the parking lot where Liam was waiting. “What? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you,” he teased. He grabbed your chin roughly and forced you to look at him in the eyes. You could feel his fingers digging into your skin, most likely leaving marks. “Please just let me go,” you whimpered softly, the tears forming in the back of your eyes. “No,” he growled. His actions were fast. He shoved you into the lockers and before you knew it, his fist was coming in contact with your face. Over and over again. The blows to your face were so much, you could feel yourself growing dizzy. The blood was pouring out of your nose and all over the front of your shirt. You could hear the faint yelling of a familiar voice and Kyle’s body was ripped off of you. It was replaced by two hands gently cupping your cheek. “(Y/N), oh god, babe, look at me,” you heard Liam’s voice say. You managed to open your eyes and look at his extremely worried and scared eyes. “Liam,” you said, starting to cry. “It hurts.” “I know baby. C’mon, I don’t think your nose is broken. Let’s go home and we’ll get you cleaned up.” He picked you up bridal style and carried you out to the car. You were still pretty dizzy due to the amount of blood you had lost. When Liam and you arrived home, he helped you out of the car and kept a firm grip on your waist. He took you upstairs and into your shared bathroom, grabbing a washcloth and running it under the tap. He placed the cloth in your hand and made you hold it while he went and grabbed one if his t-shirts for you. When he came back, the blood flow had slowed down so he took the cloth and rinsed it before dabbing what was left. It was silent. All that could be heard was the soft breathing escaping Liam’s focused lips. “There we go,” he spoke softly. “Thank you Li,” you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your head in the crook of his neck. “We’re going to do something about him (Y/N). Nobody, especially you deserves to get beaten like that. Where were the teachers anyways?” You shrugged your shoulders not knowing the answer. “I love you (Y/N) and I’m going to protect you even if it means me coming to school with you.” You let out a light laugh. “I love you Li.” “I love you too (Y/N). So much.”

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