#57. He Likes Someone Else (Part 3)

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 He Likes Someone Else (Part 3)

Harry: Neither of you made any moves towards being more than friends. You watched out of the corner of your eye to see if maybe Harry was changing his mind about not making any more moves on the girl he really liked. But it was just the two of you and he tried to get you to see that as the days passed by. Finally, he realized that you weren’t going to think that he actually liked only you until he made a move, so one day as you met up outside a cafe, he walked quickly towards you, cupped your face in his hands, and crashed his mouth against yours.

Liam: "What was that for?" Liam’s sad face was now clouded with confusion. "Nothing, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that." You turned and walked away, leaving him standing in your doorway. "No, Y/N, come back." The sound of the door shutting echoed through the house as you walked away from him, but he was following you. He couldn’t see the tears of rejection welling up in your eyes and you were wiping them away before he could see them anyway. "Hey, hey. Stop walking away from me, Y/N." He spun you around into his chest; how quickly the tables had turned, making you the emotional one in need of support. "I’m not ready for anything just yet seeing as I just got out of a relationship not twenty minutes ago. But I’ll let you know when I’m ready, okay?" You pulled back and looked up at him, liking the sound of the promise in his voice.

Louis: The cold air was nipping at your skin since your jacket was still inside at the party somewhere, but Louis was leading you away from it, back to his car. His grip on your hand was tight and he was huffing and puffing in an adorable way. “I can’t believe you just kissed that guy in there. You’ve known him for an hour at most? God, Y/N.” He shook his head as you reached the car. You slid in on the passenger side. “I think you’re being a hypocrite, Lou. You’d known that girl for probably three minutes when you decided that you’d rather snog her than me.” The words were out before you could stop them and then both of you turned to look at each other with wide eyes. “You want me to snog you?” His words were soft, but his eyes burned sharply. No more words would come out, so you nodded, not breaking eye contact with him. Quickly, he leaned over the center console and pecked you on the lips. “That doesn’t count.” You giggled and he grinned, tangling his fingers in your hair before diving back in.

Niall: "What?" His cheeks were flooded with pink but he spoke through his embarrassment. "Demi and I broke up because I realized that I like you. We were just talking and stuff and then you came up in the conversation and I got this weird feeling in my stomach and then I was smiling and I was - I just like you, okay?" His whole face was red by that point and not even the cool glass of water could get rid of the heat. "Well, I like you too, Niall. And this might sound really insensitive, but I’m glad that you and Demi broke up." He cracked a sun-bright smile at that, a deep laugh coming from his belly in relief.

Zayn: The two of you stayed and enjoyed a dinner and then he took you home afterwards. The wine that was in your system had apparently affected you more than you had thought because when he opened the car door for you, you were swaying and finding it hard to walk. “Can you help me inside?” You asked him. On the way inside and up the stairs, you got a bit handsy and Zayn playfully swatted your hands away as he secretly enjoyed it. Once he’d helped you get your heels off and crawl into bed, you tried to pull him in with you. “I can’t Y/N. You have George.” You laughed. “I don’t know anyone named George, Zayn. I said that to try and make you jealous. There’s no point now that you don’t even have Perrie. I like you. I was trying to make you jealous, silly.” He shook his head at you, “I’ll get in bed with you, but given your state, I think it’d be best if we didn’t do anything you’ll regret tomorrow.” By the time he’d kicked his shoes and jeans off, you were already asleep. 

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