~Chapter 4~

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Your Pov:

My eyes widen and I whipped around to face Gene "Your such a liar" I started, folding my arms "No I'm not lying, I'm actually trying to change" he replied "Your just trying to get me to open this cell, not happening" I said, he walked up to the bars and I walked a bit closer, I was up to his neck "Do you trust me?" He asked "Not at all" I replied as he stuck his hand through the bars and pulled some of my h/c hair out of my face, I slapped it away, then I heard the doors open, I looked and Garroth was there.

"There you are sis," He said staying at the stairs "Hey bro, sorry just dealing with this prisoner" I replied "Wait who--" he asked but was cut off when he saw Gene "I caught him sneaking around Phoenix Drop, what should we do with him?" I asked "Kill him for causing you pain" Garroth replied, out of the corner of my eye I saw Gene's eyes widen "No. He doesn't deserve that. He hurt me but that doesn't mean we should kill him for it" I said folding my arms and leaning against the wall "Sis you can't be serious!" Garroth exclaimed but I put my hand up in front of him gesturing for him to shut up. 

"I know you're the headguard but he's my prisoner, we're keeping him here," I said "Whatever you say sis" Garroth said before leaving "You're really not going to go with your brother's decision?" Gene asked "I may have captured you but I'm not heartless, unlike you" I replied "You really are a good girl" He chuckled and I turned to him "Shut up" I stated, he just stood at the bars again and reached his hand through, I slapped it away before he could touch me "Good but feisty" he chuckled.


After a few hours Garroth decided to take over my shift, it was late and I was getting tired, I went home, Vylad and Zane were waiting for me, we did all share a house "So we heard you captured Gene" Vylad said from the kitchen, I sat on the couch next to Zane "Yes I did and he didn't even bother to fight back, he's so calm" I replied "Don't trust him, when Gene gets like that, that means he's planning something" Vylad replied "I'm with Vylad on that, why didn't you just kill him again?" Zane asked.

"Cause I have a soft ass heart that wouldn't want to kill him" I replied tired "You should get some sleep Y/n" Vylad suggested "Good idea, see you guys tomorrow" I yawned heading upstairs, I got changed into my f/c PJs and got into my bed, but Gene's words and just him and general haunted me...

~In your dream~

I was walking around Phoenix Drop on patrol, I had an engagement ring on my finger, it was pastel f/c, thing is I wasn't engaged to anyone outside of the dream, I knew I was in a dream but I had no control over myself, I continued walking till I heard a slight scream, that's when I ran, I ran to where I heard the scream and Gene was there, he had been stabbed by a shadow knight, I ran to them in my shadow knight form and the other shadow knight dissapeared, I ran to Gene and kneeled down, he grabbed my hand and I started to cry without wanting to, Gene kissed the ring on my finger and coughed a bit "Keep our kids safe okay? I promise you I'll always be there. My love.." Gene said before his heart stopped, that's when I woke up.

~Out of the dream~

I shot up and I had sweat all over my forehead and I had tears streaming down my face, I started to breathe heavy trying to figure out what happened "Did I really just dream that I was engaged to that monster?" I asked myself, I shook it off but that dreamed seemed more real then it should have been... 

I decided to just get some water, clean myself up and get back to bed, so that's what I did, but I couldn't fall back to sleep and it was around midnight "Gene is a monster why would I ever think about falling for him" I whispered to myself, I kept thinking about what happened in the dream 'Gene and I were engaged, we apparently had kids and Gene was killed... why him out of everyone?' I thought as I shut my eyes, I was able to fall asleep thankfully.

My Bad Boy {Gene X Reader} {MCD}Where stories live. Discover now