~Chapter 8~

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Your Pov:

I got back to Phoenix Drop with the gem in my pocket. I got home and my brothers were all awake "There you are" Garroth said "Sorry Garroth. Lost track of time" I lied. "How are you feeling? With that shadow knight calling" Vylad replied worried "I'm fine... although I'm in a little pain and I'm tired..." I replied. That was true. I had lost a lot of energy in the 1 minute I've been home.

"Go get some sleep. You need it" Zane said and I nodded going upstairs and changing into my PJs, I got into bed and kept the gem on my nightstand. The pain felt like it was getting worst but I was able to sleep.

~Next Morning~

I woke up and I was in a lot of pain, I could barely move my body but I was able to get up. I walked downstairs almost falling over but I caught myself "Woah Y/n are you okay!?" Garroth asked walking up to me "Yeah... I'm fine..." I said breathing heavily "Y/n your not okay maybe you should spend the day here" Zane suggested "No no... I'm fine" I replied "Y/n your not fine, back to bed. Now." Garroth said and I sighed, there was no fighting it, Vylad helped me upstairs and into bed. That's when he noticed the gem.

"What's this?" he asked pointing to the gem "Something I found in the forest yesterday" I lied, Vylad tried to pick it up but it seemed to be glued to my nightstand "I have a bad feeling about this, I'm going to go get Lucinda and Aphmau" he stated before leaving. 

"No way he gave me a bad gem, I sensed no magic coming from it..." I muttered realizing that I'm supposed to meet him later. Guess I can't...

Gene's Pov:

I was reading the book I stole from the library, that romance one from yesterday, I'm almost done it, it's kinda explaining what's going on... the Romeo character had to kill Juliet due to his families orders but he couldn't cause his love for her was strong. The sun went down but Y/n hadn't come 'That gem must've drained most of her magic already' I thought. "Looks like your friend didn't show up," Sasha said as she and Zenix walked in.

"That gem probably took most of her energy away already" I replied "Maybe our little killing can be done tomorrow then," Zenix chuckled "Yeah it can." Sasha laughed, I put down the book and stood up "I'm going on a walk" I growled, "Woah what's gotten into you?" Zenix asked "Nothing at all. Be ready for tomorrow when we strike" I said before leaving, when I was in the forest I pulled out an orb that was connected to the gem I gave Y/n. 

In the blink of an eye, I had the gem in my hand. I quickly broke it into thousands of tiny pieces "I can't kill her..." I started.

"I'm in love with Y/n Ro'meave"

Hey guys! Sorry, it took forever to update I injured my wrist and I couldn't write or draw but now I can! XD

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