~Chapter 11~

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Your Pov:

It's been a few days since Gene was sent to heal at Lucinda's home. My brothers wouldn't let me go on patrol so I went to go see Gene instead who's been in a coma. 

I was sitting next to Gene's bed my hand in his while Lucinda was working on a few potions. I sighed and was about to get up when I felt Gene grip my hand "Lucinda! I think he's waking up!" I exclaimed and Lucinda ran over, I leaned forward and held Gene's hand with both my hands while my shoulders were resting on the bed. 

Suddenly Gene's eyes opened slightly and looked over at me before smiling "Y/n... your here..." he said and a few tears fell down my cheeks. "Of course I'm here, I'd never leave you to die" I replied before he opened his eyes completely and I stood up before kissing him.

He kissed back and I heard Lucinda giggling and I pulled away now sitting on the side of the bed. Gene sat up but winced in pain instantly regretting what he did. I chuckled "You've only been out for a few days, your wound still needs a little time to heal" I chuckled "I know that now" he growled. I got up and I helped him up to his feet "Is this a good idea?" He asked "Don't worry it's fine as long as you don't push yourself. I'll leave you two be now." Lucinda replied before heading downstairs with Bigglesworth following her.


It was getting late and I helped Gene enough so he could walk. I held his hand as we left Lucinda's house and started walking to mine. That's when we ran into Dante "Hey Dante" I said "Hey Y/n... Gene" he replied "Hey..." Gene said awkwardly. "We better get going. Garroth and your brothers are going to kill you if your not back soon" Gene added and I nodded.

"Alright, see you later Dante," I said before Gene and I left. Gene sighed. "It was awkward wasn't it?" I asked "To see my brother? Yeah, a little... especially since I haven't seen him or was nice to him in so many years" He replied "I get it. You and your brother had your differences for so long it pulled you guys apart" I stated.

"Exactly." He began before stopping in his tracks stopping me too. "I don't know if I can stay. And if I do it's probably going to take years before everyone can forgive me" he finished and I kissed his cheek. "Shut up okay? They will forgive you soon. I'll make sure of it" I replied "Whatever you say" he sighed.

Gene's Pov:

We got to Y/n and her brothers house and walked in to see Vylad cooking while Garroth and Zane were on the couch talking "Y/n! Your back!" Garroth said getting up and walking over to us "Yeah I'm back! And look at who woke up earlier!" Y/n replied looking up at me I was a bit taller than Garroth while Y/n was about Vylad's height. Probably a bit taller than him. 

Zane got up and walked over to us "Glad to see your up Gene.. Y/n was worried" he said. "I was and YOU were hoping he didn't wake up" she growled and I chuckled "Whatever. I'm glad he's awake now" he said before walking off. "Good thing I made more food than normal. Come get it you guys" Vylad chuckled as he started setting the table. We went to go sit down and started eating.

It was quiet while we ate, I'd look up every now and again to see all 3 Ro'meave brothers glaring at me but Y/n smiling at me. It was awkward that's for sure. I got up and took the plate and put it in the sink. "Thanks for dinner. Y/n come get me when your done" I sighed before leaving the house and standing just outside the door.

Your Pov:

I gave a death glare at my brothers "Guys come on. He's not bad anymore" I said "Sorry. Trust issues because of how much trouble he's caused in the past" Garroth sighed. I got up and went outside. Gene was leaning against the wall next to the door with his arms crossed, I kissed his cheek to snap him out of it.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried. "I'm fine Y/n. Just feeling a little out of place with everyone..." he sighed "I know but you'll get used to it and so will they" I replied "That's a nice thought but it's not going to happen any time soon" he stated "Well what are we going to do then? It seems I'm the only one who wants you here" I shrugged.

"What if we ran away?" He asked looking down at me "Are you sure that's a good idea? The other's will think you kidnapped me or something like that" I replied "If they find us then we'll tell them the truth... but I'm leaving the decision up to you since your the one with an actual family here" he sighed.

I was now stuck between the love of my life and my family... 'What the hell am I going to do?' I thought.

My Bad Boy {Gene X Reader} {MCD}Where stories live. Discover now