"Worst Nightmare or Best friend?"

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Marvelous Girl: I could be your worst nightmare or best friend

So what shall I be?

Worst nightmare or Best friend?

Mint Ice: none of the above

Marvelous Girl: I refuse your refusal!

That's no fun and I am bored!

Ok I will bother you until you tell me!

×=worst nightmare

✓=best friend

What am I to you?

Ok but seriously I am soooo bored

Entertain me random stranger

You can call me JY ok?

How can I call you?


I am seriously bored!

I bet my brother won't answer me too >.>

I bet he either hates me or just doesn't want to answer!

I can see you are reading this!

Answer me!

Mint Ice: whoa there calm your tits ok?

I am just overwhelmed by your boldness

Why would your brother hate you

Oh and then you can call me YG

Marvelous Girl: whoa if I had a p at the end I would be JYP and you would be YG

That's so weird lmao

Why my brother would hate me?

I am better at jokes and pick up lines then him ;)

I won't hit you with them....


Mint Ice: whoa I don't even know if we will chat further than this!

Marvelous Girl: oh damn right

Answer me you prick!

You haven't answered me!

Mint Ice: it can't hurt if it stays anonym!

So rather ✓ than the other

Marvelous Girl: oh ok then...

Wait best friend?

Holy damn YES!

Haha expect the worst and best!

Mint Ice: don't get over yourself kid

Seen 3:47 PM


Haha Yoongi is me, I don't like spam when I don't know you at least over half a year 😂

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