"Stupid Brothers!"

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Handsome: bitch!

Marvelous Girl: jerk!

Handsome: I just wanted to ask if everything is alright with my little sister.

Marvelous Girl: oh it's just your weekly check up on me

I thought you did this because you actually just wanted to talk!

Am I not worthy of your time during practices?

Handsome: actually no!

I don't waist my precious practice time on you!

Marvelous Girl: ouch!

That's harsh you sock!

Handsome: did you want to write my name and then turned it into a sock?

Marvelous Girl: could be, but no!

I meant to say you are one of your old stinky socks!

Handsome: my socks don't stink!

I would think they smell like flowers

Marvelous Girl: *fish

There I corrected it for you!

Handsome: what the hell?

I am handsome, which means I don't stink!

Marvelous Girl: and I am marvelous!

Stupid Brothers!

Handsome: you aren't marvelous what the?

Marvelous Girl: hell yeah I am marvelous everyone Marvel's in my beauty!

Handsome: haha you are truly my little sister!

Marvelous Girl: well we all have those genes!

Handsome: we do!

How's it going with you getting in the university to acting?

Marvelous Girl: tbh I don't know

I think they are holding out on me

Wish they wouldn't though!

Handsome: aww is my little sister salty?

Marvelous Girl: surely and totally not socky!

Handsome: Aww poor Yeonie!

I bet they will take you though!

Marvelous Girl: thanks!

Seriously though this makes me feel a lot better!

Handsome: no problem!

Marvelous Girl: 😊

Seen 3:45 pm


Mint Ice: hey

Marvelous Girl: ahsj you wrote me first?!

This is only chapter 3!

Mint Ice: what?

Marvelous Girl: oh nothing!

Look I gotta go and get my grade in acting!


Mint Ice: well that wasn't awkward at all...

Seen 4:56 pm


Lol what even was that?!

I bet ya'll know who her brother is by now haha

Quite obvious now anyways bye!

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