26. By a love unspoken

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Song: MKTO - Afriad of the dark

This song is perfect for the second half of the chapter. I hope it's enough for you guys to forgive me for what's been happening and what's gonna happen lol. Here's a snippet of the chorus:

 All anybody needs is one light
I'll be anything that you like
Call me if you need it tonight
When you are afraid of the dark.

"You know why I hate your house?" Natasha asked Kelsey as she stared at the contents of their refrigerator.

"It's nicer than yours?" Kelsey shrugged.

"Because you don't keep alcohol anywhere in here." Natasha shut the door in frustration and turned to face a smirking Kelsey.

"Blame Chad for that one. Ever since Keisha accidentally sipped the beer that he left lying around the house, mum's got zero tolerance for alcohol."

"I'm way too sober to deal with all this," Natasha groaned.

"Give me potatoes and two weeks and I'll make you some vodka," Kelsey offered.

"I might just take you up on that," Natasha said settling for a glass of juice. Keisha was beside her before she could even take her first sip, staring longingly up at the glass.

"Juice. Juice," she said stretching her arms up to try and reach the glass.

"Good luck with the juice junkie. I'm going to call Liam," Kelsey said leaving the kitchen before Natasha could object.

It was a struggle getting Keisha to stop gulping down the little juice that Natasha kept pouring for her from her own glass. Finally after a few tantrums when she'd been denied more, Keisha fell asleep and Natasha tucked her into bed. She had changed and was settling into Kelsey's bed when Kelsey came in looking irritated.

"What's wrong?" Natasha asked.

"The call didn't go very well," Kelsey replied flopping onto the bed face first.

"What happened?"

Kelsey turned her head to face Natasha and sighed. "We had a fight about me meeting his family."

"Aren't you meeting them this Friday?" Natasha said trying to remember what Kelsey had said about the occasion.

"I told him I couldn't make it this Friday."

Natasha gave her a questioning look.

"With everything that's going on with you, I'd rather not leave you alone," Kelsey explained.

Natasha nodded her understanding. "I take it he didn't appreciate being told he comes second to me."

"He doesn't," Kelsey said defensively.

"He doesn't?" Natasha asked mockingly. Kelsey glared at her and threw a pillow at her head.

"You should go. I'll stay in the house with Keisha," Natasha suggested.

"No, it's fine," Kelsey said a little too quickly.

"I can handle Keisha. I've been alone with her before and it..." Natasha trailed off as realization dawned on her. "You don't trust me to be alone with her." It was more of a statement than a question and she couldn't keep the heartbreak out of her tone when she said it.

"That's not it Natasha!" Kelsey exclaimed sitting up and scooting closer to her. "I trust you with my life, you know that."

"Just not with your sister's life."

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