35. In the midst of chaos

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Song: Christina Aguilera - Woohoo

Dedicated to @Zsquad121, @pearlozzy and @killjoyqueen215 for your lovely comments (sorry I have to lump the dedications together now that I'm running out of chapters). 

"You left Lillian Evans out of your statement," Michael said to Nathan as they watched the news crew pack up their equipment.

"She's a high profile person. Mentioning her would have sparked a witch hunt that would completely derail this whole case," Nathan argued.

"Is that the only reason?"

"You think this is about Natasha?"

Michael shrugged in response, turning to leave the conference room.

"The girl has been through enough. She can hardly go into town without people staring and pointing at her the whole time. This was just going to make things worse and I know you believe  she's innocent now. You wouldn't have talked to her about going to a safe house if you didn't."

"I hope you know what you're doing," Michael said, ignoring his last statement. They were in their office now and Nathan went straight to his desk for his phone. He had missed calls from Natasha from earlier in the morning and a few others from Stacey. He called Natasha first, who told him she was about to finish up with Joyce and agreed to wait for him at the front desk when she was done.

"You're not going to like this," Michael said, coming off the phone himself. "Naomi said the Special Crimes Unit is here to help with our case."

"To help or to take over?" Nathan rolled his eyes.

"What do you think?"

"Natasha's session is finishing right now. I need to talk to her," Nathan groaned, looking at the time on his phone.

"I can't talk to Special Crimes on my own so she'll have to wait," Michael said firmly.

"Briefing them could take hours. She can't wait that long. I have to talk to her about that room and those letters. She might know something that could help."

"Then you'll meet her later, unless you want me to include your weird non-relationship with her in this brief. If not, then I suggest you join me in the conference room in five minutes."

Nathan bit back his argument and texted Natasha letting her know of the change of plans before following Michael.


Natasha finished her session with Joyce a few minutes after her call with Nathan and left her office feeling a lot better than when she'd gone in. When she saw the text from Nathan telling her he had to attend a meeting, she decided to stick around for a while and wait for him. A few minutes later, she regretted it.

"Natasha Evans. Hi!" Kimberly said, walking up to Natasha, hand held out. The rest of her crew stopped and looked on, making Natasha feel uncomfortable.

"Hi," she said, shaking Kimberley's hand briefly.

"I'm Kimberley Yates." Kimberly sat on the chair next to hers, much to Natasha's annoyance.

"I know who you are."

Kimberly smiled. "I see my reputation precedes me."

"And mine was ruined by you," Natasha countered with an equally phony smile.

"I only reported facts."

Natasha rolled her eyes at her defense and turned her attention back to the magazine in her hands. Kimberly motioned for the others to leave and once the last of her crew members were out the door, she spoke to Natasha again.

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