Shot of Victory ✨

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I wake up to the smell of rain and faintly I hear them hitting against my window. I open my eyes slowly and with my hands feel around my bed for my phone. I pull it close to my face due to my hazy vision and see that it's only 6:00 am.

Groaning to myself I roll over to  my bedside desk and turn on my lamp. I sit up and swing my legs over my bed slipping them into my fuzzy slippers. I walk groggily to the bathroom and proceed to wash up. Today is going to be so hectic, we have a game against Westchester and rumor has it they've been practicing since the beginning of the summer for this game.

Taking my retainer out of my mouth and washing it before putting it in the case I then grab my toothbrush and toothpaste to brush my teeth. I spit out the toothpaste and take a look at my hair. What the hell am I going to do with it? After a moment of thinking I decide I'll just do two cornrows down the middle. Jailbird braids are cute, right?

After I finish tying my ends I wash my face then leave to get dressed. I throw on some jeans, vans and a cropped sweater and throw my soccer stuff in my bookbag. I check my watch and it's almost time to leave. I head down the stairs to see David and Rowan eating bowls of cereal.

"Yo" I greet and they return it.

"Ready to play today?" Rowan asks while shoving a spoonful of frosted flakes in his mouth. Milk drips down the side of his mouth and I point to my mouth. "You gonna get that and maybe eat like a human being?" i question and he flips me off.

"Just for that, I hope Westchester wins today" He snarls and I mock. Grabbing my own bowl I pour some of my OH's and take a seat at the table. David drinks his milk and wipes his mouth, "What are the moves afterwards?" I shrug my shoulders and tell him whatever we wanna do.

"Then let's go, I'm already done" He complains while waving his empty bowl. I roll my eyes and after finishing my own bowl I grab my keys and head to the school for some quick drills before the game.


"Come on girls if you play like that those Westchester bitches will beat us!" I shout to the girls as they run a few drills. Their stamina is horrible so they better pick it up before the game in an hour.

I blow my whistle and instantly the girls drop, "Kendra, please" Mercedes begs out of breath while collapsing to the ground. She clutches her heart and breathes heavily in and out. I roll my eyes, "Come on girls, I'm going easy on you, if you play like this we'll get our asses kick" I state.

Jade coughs, "I know whose ass I want to kick right now" She mutters and I pretend I didn't hear that.

Iris steps from behind Jade and puts her hand up, "If you work us to death now we'll never be ready for competition, I think we ran enough drill s for a month" She adds and after scanning the field and seeing the girls laying on the floor half dead I decide to call it.

Sighing, I blow my whistle again, "Fine, you guys can go but don't go too far because our game is in an hour" I tell them and they pick themselves off the ground and jog tiredly off the field.

I huff and scratch the back of my head, we better represent in this game or I'll have all their heads. My phone buzzes and it's a text from Jermaine telling me to turn around. I look around until I spot him sitting on the bleachers. He's wearing a Nike Tech and he looks so good.

I smile and jog over to him, "Hey" I greet while wrapping my arms around him. He smells like he's just stepped out of the shower. I pull back and he kisses me on top of my head, "Are you coming to my game?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Wouldn't miss it" I stand on my tippy toes to reach his cheek and I kiss him. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and together we walk off the field.


"Go Kendra!" I hear the crowds shouting at me. I'm trying to get past this girl named Zoanna but she's on my ass. I kick the ball to the side and I go around her and head for the goalie. If I don't make this then we lose and since this is a home game it would embarrass everyone. I pass where my brother and his friends are sitting and they're cheering me on.

Adrenaline kicks in and my stamina picks up and I kick the ball hard into the net. The goalie jumps to block but she misses and as soon as the balls hits the net my teammates and I go up in a roar of victory.

Westchester girls put hands on their hips and walk around like lost little puppies while my team runs over to me and engulfs me in hugs and praises. I do the same and someone hands us a trophy and we lift it high in the air. Cheers erupt all around us and people run down from the stands and come to congratulate.

They also congratulate the boys team because they won 5-3 in their game. I go around hugging people left and right without even really knowing who they are. I turn around and hug the next person and I hear a familiar voice.

"Is the Kendra Lyon hugging me?" They ask and when I look up I instantly step back.

Uggh, Cole.

Instead of a snarky comment coming out of my mouth I just smile, "Nothing you say can irritate me right now because guess what, we won!" I shout in victory and more people go up in cheers.

I laugh and turn back to Cole whose smiling at me, "What?" I ask while moving hairs away from my face. He shrugs, "Nothing, it's just nice to see you smile for a change" He responds and I tell him that I smile.

He laughs, "Never at me" I decide to smile at him and prove him wrong, "See I'm smiling at you and just to let you know it's real and not fake" I tell him which makes him smile a little harder.

He opens his mouth to say something but before he can I hear someone calling my name. I turn around to see Jermaine walking towards me and I squeal. Leaving Cole behind I throw myself into his arms and tell him that we won.

I pull back and somewhere in all the excitement I must've gotten too excited and I press my lips against his. He instantly moves his mouth with mines and I immediately pull back. Did I just kiss Jermaine?

He smiles down at me and I smile back, "You kissed me" He mentions and I laugh.

"Yeah, I gues I did" Wrapping my arms around him I see my friends on the sidelines freaking out. I squeeze him a little harder and when my eyes look elsewhere I catch Cole walking away from the crowd.

A/N: Why she sleeping on my mans Cole? Nah, we gone have to fix this right here!

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