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This stupid feeling again.

I hate this.

When i looked into your beautifull oceanblue eyes. I felt like i can get lost in them. They are just so unbelievably bright.

They shine like a star. Like a million stars.

They are so clear and beautifull. And every minute i watch them, i can see another thing in it. Something more. More and more. I want you like that. Every minute i spend with you, i feel like i want you more and more. But i know you won't be mine.

I know it, okay?

I just can't take my eyes of you. I catch myself thinking about your fucking attractive hands, and how you told me, that your palm hurts. You showed me your hand, and all i wanted to do was just touch it. I wanted to feel your skin. I wanted to make you feel like i do care about you. I loved talking to you. And when someone talk about you, they always say such bad things. But i know that you're not bad. I know you're different. You just need someone to show you that you can be good. And i promise i would show you that. I would tell you the turth about yourself.

The real you.

I think you are so crazy. But the thing is that i am crazy as hell too, and maybe this is why people usually left us out. They think we are way too silly. But i think this is another reason why we sould be together. Every day when you look at me, and smile to me.

You are magical.

night toughtsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang