about you

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I don't want to write anything about you. 

Really. I just want to forget you now.

How could you do this? I mean, maybe i am the one who is overdramatic, yes i am. But like...why? Even if we weren't together. You know it is really weird, cause i want to blame you because this stuff, but i know, that i can't beacause you've never liked me. You never wanted anything from me. You didn't care about me, like how you still don't. But the thing is that until now, i had some hope. Some little sparkle, something, that told me: yeah meaybe. Maybe he'll notice you.

But you didn't. And you never will.

Cause you never wanted to, and you'll never want to.

You deserve someone way better than me. Some girl, who really is sooo much better than me. Who is really your soulmate. Not me, a girl, who just always likes your insta photos, and who searches through the whole facebook, just to find a cute old pic of you. Not a girl, who writes a hundred poems a day about you, and who never does anything in real life.

So i hope, that she'll be a really cute and perfect girl. Like who i'm not. But boy then why the fuck are you doing this? Why are you flirting with her? You know that she hurted me so badly, and i can't even look at her. Then why? Why are you hurting me worse than she did? Why are you doing this? I mean, i don't think she is the perfect girl. No, she isn't i know it. She is just not for you. And you know it too. Then why are you still trying?

Woah, i just see that you are doing the exact same thing that i do. We both are trying to love someone who doesn't us back.  This is crazy. We should love each other like that then. That would be so much better. But we can't. And the only way to not to think about this, and to not love you anymore is forgetting you. And this is so fucking hard, when i have to see you every day. 

I fucking hate you.

Or maybe i just hate this situation. Because i won't ever be able to hate you. Never.

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