someone who

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You deserve so much better than me.

You don't deserve me.

You need a girl who looks so drop dead georgeous, with makeup and without it Who is sweet, and who cares so much about you, and who is worrying when you're late. Who is always there when you need her, whenever you're feeling low, and grumpy. Who waits for you in front of your school every day, and she kisses and hugs you in front of everyone. Who always cheers you up and makes you smile even if you wanted to cry. Who sends you a text message every morning just to remind you that she loves you and that you're the first thing that comes up in her mind in the morning. Who buys you Kfc and eats it with you at home when you don't feel like going out. Who sings with you while you're playing the piano on a boring friday night. Who is always sitting in the first row in the theatre and when you're on the scene she mouths your lines with you, and shouts your name at the end while everyone is clapping. Who you can call anytime just because you missed her voice and who you can talk with for hours about nothing. Who you can study with if you are confused about something. Who you can snapchat with any time of a day. Who cooks your fave cookies for your birthday. Who always makes you food when you're at her house. Who you can listen to music so loud that the neighbours will scream.

Really just someone who literally loves you with all her heart.

And it seems to be that it's not me.

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