Chapter Sixteen - Lost

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Gabe's POV

"Landeskog, you need to get your head in the game," Coach Roy explains to me during the first intermission. "I know you feel like you're lost right now, but your team needs you."

We were already down 3-0 after the first period. I was lost on the ice. I couldn't focus. All three goals we let in were because of turnovers caused by me. It was my fault we were losing this badly so early in the game. I had the chance to shoot at a wide open net: missed... terribly. It could be because I was missing Mallory.

She was at home resting. The doctors said she could return to action for our California road trip, but she definitely had to sit this game out. Her and I had somewhat sorted things out, but we weren't exactly on speaking terms at the moment. Whenever I had a bad period, she would always come to my locker and calm me down. It's like she was playing the role of captain when I couldn't.

I needed her out on the ice with me. It just wasn't the same without her. I over passed my targets, shot the puck too wide, and kept turning the puck over. I also wasn't skating fast. It's like I had led in my skates. I couldn't budge.

I looked down at my hands as I tried to calm down, collecting my thoughts one by one. I could feel the whole team staring at me, as if they wanted me to say something. I needed to apologize for my sloppy play, and I needed them to help back me up.

I stood up from my locker, walking out into the middle of the locker room. Silence fills the room and all eyes are on me. I put my hand over my mouth, coughing as I cleared my throat.

"I want to apologize for my play last period. I made too many mistakes. I left Varly out to dry with my turnovers, and I should have gotten that puck into the wide open net," I say, looking around the locker room at each of the guys.

"We're a completely differen't team without Mallory." Varly mumbles from his locker, staring intensely at his skates.

Soon he stands up, pulling his helmet back on to his head. His blue eyes narrow in determination, and soon he slams his stick on to the floor.

"Let's win this for Mallory!" he shouts, his Russian accent echoing through out the locker room.

Each of the guys looked at each other, nodding their heads. They all emerged from their lockers, strapping their helmets back on to their heads.

"For Mallory!" the guys shout, soon patting each other on the head and filing out into the tunnel.

That's when it all kicked in. I had to win this game for her. I had to play better for her. I needed to stay strong for her.




Mallory's POV

I lie there in bed, curled up with a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. As I was surrounded by a large amount of pillows and blankets, I stared intensely at my television. The boys had managed to make a comeback after a 3-0 deficit. The game was now even at three goals apiece. Matt scored the first goal, Nathan the second goal, and then Gabe with the equalizer. The clock was now winding down in the third period, the horn soon buzzing. We were heading to overtime.

I felt like I was holding my breath throughout overtime. My heart was pounding, my body shaking. I desperately wanted my team to have two points and the victory.

Gabe had a terrible game to start off with, but since the start of the second period he has been lights out. It seemed like he was hopelessly lost out on the ice in the first period. Turnover, after turnover, after turnover, missing open nets and his passes. It killed me seeing him like that, because I knew I wasn't there to calm him down. That was my responsibility after he had a terrible shift, period, or game. I always tried my best to cheer him up. Maybe, just maybe, I could do that tonight when he walks through the door.

The Avs were attacking in the Capitals zone, shooting lights out at the net. I bit my lip and held my breath. We were going to score. I just knew it. We had to.

Gabe screens the Capitals goalie as the puck is being passed back and forth between Nathan and Matt. We had stopped shooting for a moment and went back to strictly passing the puck.

"Shoot the damn thing!" I shout, almost chucking my pint of ice cream across the room in frustration, but luckily I didn't; because ice cream is precious.

The boys must have heard me. Right then, Nathan sent a screaming slap shot soaring into the back of the net. The goal horn sounded, the boys celebrated, and I did as well. Jumping up and down on my bed as I shoved a spoonful of cherry garcia into my mouth, giggling like a little kid.

"Atta boy, Nate!" I shout, soon landing on my back on the bed, still laughing and eating all the ice cream I could handle.

Tonight's game sure would have been a fun one to be apart of, but sadly my mistakes caught up with me. It was my fault for missing the game tonight. I was irresponsible.

Sadness then filled my body as I thought about my situation too much. I shook my head clear of these thoughts, soon turning off the tv and finishing my pint of ice cream. God, was I a fatty.

I laid there contemplating. I stared at my ceiling, darkness surrounding me. Silence filled the apartment until I heard the rumbling of a thunderstorm on the horizon. I sighed to myself, listening to the sound of rain drops hitting the windows. The sound of rain always put me to ease. It was so peaceful.

I closed my eyes, feeling my room shake at the motion of the thunder. I held on to my pillow tightly, imagining I was holding Gabe in my arms. I knew I had screwed up big time and I knew it was going to take him a long time to trust me again... That is, if he will ever trust me again. I highly doubt it. 

As I was about to drift off into a deep slumber, I heard the front door open and close. I slowly sat up in my bed, tightening the blankets around me as shivers ran through my body. I got out of bed as I wrapped my grey and blue flower pattern blanket around me, soon emerging into the living room. 

I saw a tall blonde, water dripping from his suit as his back was turned towards me. He locked the door, then slowly peeled his suit jacket off. He turned to face me and just stared at me. I slowly walked up to him, seeing him tense up. Water dripped off of his hair and I opened up my arms to him. 

"You look a little cold," I whisper, extending my arms as I keep the blanket wrapped around my back. "Maybe I can warm you up."

Without warning, Gabe ran into my arms, and soon I pulled the blanket around the both of us. His body was shivering and freezing. I held him closely to me, softly rubbing his back with my hands. 

"Nice goal tonight," I whisper, feeling him tighten his arms around me. 

"I had a little inspiration," he whispers, nestling his head into my neck. 

"Like what?" I ask softly, burying my head into his chest. 

"You," he says barely above a whisper. "I knew I had to play better and win for you."

"And that you did." I slowly pull away from him, looking up at him and sharing a smile. "Go put some warm clothes on. I don't want you catching a cold. Your team needs you, Captain."

He grabs my hand and pulls me into his bedroom with him. I watch him change out of his soaking wet clothes and into a pair of sweats and a Sweden t-shirt. He comes up to me and hugs me tightly, soon placing his lips on top of my head. 

"It's warmer in my room. Plus we can watch the city lights and the rain." I whisper, giggling in response as I keep feeling his lips being placed against my skin. 

"As long as I'm with you, baby girl," he whispers, and soon I pull him into my room. 

We lay down underneath all the blankets, cuddling up together as we watched the rain fall. Suddenly, a crack of lightning struck in the distance, causing me to almost jump out of my skin. 

"I got you, baby," he tighten his arms around me. "I won't let anything hurt you anymore."

A/N - I'm sorry this sucks. 

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