Chapter Seventeen - Making Up

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Tonight we were in Los Angeles and I was fully recovered physically. My skating never slowed and my shooting was still on point, but my emotions were not. The last few nights I have woken up screaming in fear, sweat pouring from my body and tears brimming my eyes. Gabe stayed by my side each night, sometimes sharing his own tears as well.

I truly loved him and I knew I never deserved having him. After everything I had put him through, he continues to love and support me through out every day, even when I cannot show the least bit of love towards myself. I hated myself for what I put him through. I wish I could erase every single thing.

I sat on the edge of my bed in my hotel room, watching the pile of traffic down below on the streets of Los Angeles. I sighed to myself as I watched the hustle and bustle of everyone's lives. I'm sure a lot of them had a "perfect" relationship; no cheating, no drama, no unexpected pregnancies- then soon miscarriages. My relationship with Gabe was far from perfect, but we were willing to stand tall together.

A buzzing noise from my phone catches my attention. I see a familiar name pop up on the screen and I immediately feel guilt surround me. I sigh before I put the phone up to my ear, closing my eyes and hoping to sound calm.

"Hey, Karson." I whisper, my voice shaking slightly.

I hadn't talked to Karson since our argument that night I was in the hospital. I knew I was going to see him tonight, there was no way around it. I just wanted my best friend back.

"Mal," he whispers, his breathing hitching on the other line. "I want to take you to lunch."

After I thought about it for a brief moment, I responded, "I would love that."

"Be ready in half an hour," he says. "I'm coming to get you."

Before Karson could say anything else, I dropped my phone and rushed to my suitcase. I pulled out a pair of burgundy high waisted shorts and a cream colored ruffled tank top. I quickly rid myself of my hoodie and sweatpants, soon wiggling into my shorts.

After I had changed, I ran into the bathroom and I fixed my hair. I pulled my auburn hair into a tight sock bun, soon spraying the hell out of it with hairspray. Then I fixed my makeup lightly; just foundation, blush, and mascara. I slipped into my black flip flops, then I quickly brushed my teeth and then applied some light pink lip gloss.

A knock on my door caught my attention. I grabbed my phone and purse. Then I took a deep breath, soon opening the door and not seeing Karson, but Gabe. I bit my lip in apprehension as he stared at me in confusion, his eyes scanning my body.

"What are you up to, little lady?" Gabe asks, raising both of his eyebrows at me.

"I'm going out with Karson. You know, us St. Catharine's kids stick together." I laugh awkwardly, tilting my head to the side. Gabe cringed at the sound of Karson's name, causing me to eye him suspiciously.

"Mind if I join you?" he pulls me closer towards him.

"I'd really like to have a day with my best friend, Gabe." I whisper, pressing my hands against his chest and softly pushing him away.

Gabe sighs in frustration, soon backing away from me. "Fine. Just be back in time for your pregame nap," he mumbles and soon turns away from me.

"Gabe," I say softly, grabbing him by the arm.

His body turned towards me and I planted my lips on top of his. He kissed back with force, causing a couple moans to escape my mouth. He smirked into the kiss, then slowly pulled away from me.

"I love you," he whispers, pressing his forehead against mine.

"I love you, too." I giggle and blush, soon kissing his chin. "I have to go. I'll see you later."

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