Chapter Nineteen - Words Left Unspoken

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Mallory's POV

The plane finally landed in San Jose. I felt Varly shake me from my sleep, causing me to stir and drag out a long yawn. I rubbed my eyes with my palms and I looked to my left, seeing Gabe looking directly at me. I was still incredibly pissed at him for what he did to Karson, which was fully intentional. I share a quick glare with him before I move from my seat, following my teammates off the plane.

I heard him call my name repeatedly as I walked off the plane. Shivers ran through my body as the wind blew through my hair. I tightened my coat around me as I kept walking, hoping to give Gabe the hint that he was on my bad side at the moment. I needed to talk to him about this, but I wasn't quite ready for it now. I was going to plan out everything I would say to him, but sleep took me over on the plane; so needless to say, that was out of the question.

I felt him forcefully grab me by the arm, turning me towards him. I look up at him with my lips parted and eyes wide. He looks down at me in anger, his eyes narrowing at me as his grip on my arm intensifies.

"Gabe, let go of me," I grumble, trying to break free of his hold.

"No, not until you talk to me," he snaps, tugging at my arm to pull me closer to him. "Why are you being bitchy?"

"Are you serious right now?" I scoff, finally able to break free from his grip as I push his chest. "You hurt my best friend on purpose when I begged you not to!"

"He was hitting on you," he responds, crossing his arms over his chest. "What else was I supposed to do?"

"You were supposed to let it go, Gabe. Like I asked you to," I growl as I start to walk past him again, soon hearing his rapid footsteps behind me.

"You know, if you love him, why don't you just go? Run to him, Mallory. Because it seems to me that you love him more than you love me!" God, he is going to make me snap.

"I do love him, Gabe. But not how I love you." I state, hoping to keep my cool. "But if you keep this shit up, I'm not going to love you anymore."

"Are you kidding me?" he scoffs in disgust. "I protect you from guys who only want one thing from you, but you think I'm just doing it to be mean? No, I'm doing it because I don't want anyone else to steal you from me."

"Gabe, Karson is my friend and that is all he will ever be. He knows that, I know that, and you should know that. I can't believe you're thinking like this," I mumble, shaking my head at him.

"Well, after I saw you with Varly, what else am I supposed to think?" Gabe snaps, soon regretting the words as he covers his mouth with his hand.

My mouth drops to the ground as I stop dead in my tracks in front of the bus, watching each of my teammates pass me by. I look over at Gabe, anger running through my veins. I narrow my eyes at him and then I push him in his chest, causing a look of shock to spread across his face.

"I'm so done with you," I growl, soon making my way to my seat on the bus.

I sit in the back next to Varly. I felt like I could break at any moment. I loved Gabe, but sometimes he drove me insane. I hated how jealous and protective he was. I felt like I was being suffocated by him and I couldn't breathe.

"Are you alright?" Varly asks carefully, noticing the tears falling from my eyes before I was able to.

"Gabe's an asshole," I sniffle, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand.

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