Chapter Twenty-Four - Payback

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I told Varly about my encounter with Tyler. I told him how he admitted to drugging me and raping me. It was still a shock to me, and it was slowly sinking in. Tyler acted as if nothing happened after he apologized. I wasn't going to forgive him.

I was completely and utterly disgusted with him, and me for that matter. I took the news too easily. I should have been more upset. Why wasn't I upset? Did I not have enough energy to fight for myself?

"You need to tell Gabe," Varly says as he ties up his skates. "He deserves to know."

I nod at him before I move to my locker, slowly putting on my gear. I was tired, I was stressed, I was angry, I was sad. I was done, mostly. I was done and fed up with everything.

I looked over at Gabe and I caught his attention. He must have seen the pleading look in my eyes as he rushed to my side.

"Something's wrong. Did you see him?" Gabe asks in a rushed whisper.

I nod and I sniffle, looking away from him.

"Mallory, tell me what he did," he whispers harshly.

"He drugged me that night he slept with me. He raped me," the tears come out fast as I cover my face with my hands.

"He what!?" Gabe exclaims, making everyone in the locker room look our way. "I'm going to kill him!"

"Gabe, no," I plead and I grab his arm.

His blue eyes are full of anger. His face is beet red. I can't have him fight my battles for me. Not anymore. Tyler may have taken my bravery, but I can get it right back in an instant.

"I'll take care of him," I growl, feeling fire deep inside me. It was time to show Tyler what a little girl is made of.

We put on our gear and head out to the tunnel. Varly leads us out onto the ice, soon the Pepsi Center erupting into cheers. It felt so good to be home.

I stay by the bench, stretching my legs as I look over towards the visitors bench. I see Dougie and we wave at each other. Then I see Tyler. I narrow my eyes at him as he looks at me. Tyler waves at me, but I stick my glove up and I flip him off. It didn't surprise him. Instead he laughed and shook his head.

Warm ups ended and the puck dropped. I started the game being seated on the bench. I cheered for my teammates who rushed into the Boston zone. We shot the puck countless times at Tuukka Rask, but no success in getting it into the net.

It was time for a line change. My line took the ice, and of course fucking Tyler had to be out there. Once the puck was passed to Tyler, I skated up to him and I lined out my hips, hip checking him into the boards. I felt him flip over me before he landed on the ice. I smirk to myself when I hear a groan escape his lips. Good, I hoped it hurt, asshole.

The rest of the game seemed like a blur as we went into overtime, no goals have been scored. Overtime was a thriller, but still no goals were scored. We were going to a shoot out.

I didn't like shootouts. Yes, the adrenaline was amazing, but the nerves were incredibly high. I was shaking in my skates as I sat on the bench, watching Matt go five-hole on Tuukka. Varly shut down Patrice Bergeron, then Coach Roy told me to get out on the ice.

I stood at center ice, circling slowly as I stare down Tuukka. I was going over my options. Maybe I could fake him by going low, waiting for him to drop and then send it top shelf. I've never done anything that fancy though.

The ref blew the whistle and soon I stormed down the ice with the puck on my stick. I faked a shot down low at Tuukka's pads, causing him to drop to the ice. Before he could get up, I flicked the puck over his shoulder and sent it into the net. The crowd erupted in cheers and I high five a fan through the glass.

Varly denied every Bruins shooter and we won the game 1-0. I glared at Tyler before I left the ice, anger rushing through my veins. It had finally kicked in now. The realization of him drugging me and raping me ran through my mind. I hated him. I absolutely hated him!

I showered first before the guys. Then I changed into a black skirt and a blue blouse. I walked out into the tunnel towards the Bruins locker room. I was hoping to see Dougie, but if I came across Tyler first, I would be hesitant to hit him.

As I assumed, fucking Tyler walked out first. A cheeky smile spreads across his face as he walks to me. Before he could say a word, my fist came into contact with his nose, causing him to groan in pain.

"What the hell, Mallory?" Tyler groans as he covers his nose with his hands. "Why did you do that?"

I stepped on his foot with my high heel, causing him to jerk away from me.

"Stop it!" Tyler cries.

"Oh, trust me. What I'm doing to you is nothing compared to what you did to me." I spit at him, punching him in the stomach.

"Mallory!" I hear a familiar voice from behind me, pulling me away from Tyler.

I turn around and I see the tall, fiery redhead that is my brother. His eyes are full of concern as he looks down at me. My breathing is heavy and my knuckles are aching, but that doesn't bother me one bit. I wanted to give Tyler an ultimate payback.

"What are you doing?" Dougie rests his strong hands on my shoulders, steadying myself.

"He hurt me, Dougie!" I cry, warm tears running down my face. "He drugged me and raped me!"

Dougie's concerned stare turns into an angry glare. He looks up from me and over towards Tyler, narrowing his eyes at him. He moves from me and over to a hunched over Tyler. Dougie grabs him by the shirt and throws him against the wall, a shriek escaping my lips.

"You fucking asshole! That's my sister!" Dougie's fist comes into contact with Tyler's jaw.

I cover my mouth as I watch Dougie beat the living shit out of Tyler. I couldn't stop it. I didn't want to stop it. Tyler deserved this for hurting me.

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at Tyler while Dougie continued punching him. A smug smirk spreads across my face as I see blood splatter everywhere. I was enjoying this.

"Dougie, give the poor kids face a rest," I say, soon seeing Dougie drop Tyler like a hat.

I bend down to Tyler's height as he lays on the floor, coughing and wiping the blood off of his face.

"Don't fuck with the Hamilton's," a sick venom rolls off my tongue and I tap him in the shin with my foot, causing him to groan once again.

"I fucking deserved it." Tyler coughs, making me chuckle at him.

"Yes, yes you did. I would have had Dougie kill you, but it would just be a sin for a sin now, wouldn't it?" I smirk at him before I grab Dougie by the arm. "Come on, loser. You're buying dinner."

Dougie escorts me away from a bloody and bruised Tyler, leading me down the tunnel towards the Avs locker room. We stop for a moment to clean and wrap up his knuckles. As we wait outside the locker room, we see a couple of my teammates file out. Varly first, Matt second, Nathan third. I sigh to myself when I wait for Gabe. Ten minutes later, he emerges from the locker room. Gabe looks down at Dougie's taped up knuckles, then looks up at us and smirks.

"Seguin?" Gabe chuckles slyly.

"Seguin," both Dougie and I confirm, sharing our smirks in return.

A/N -- sorry it isn't as long as I said it was going to be, but Mallory finally stood up for herself. Yay Mallory! Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

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