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What. The. Actual. Fuck.

I'd known Erin Dupree most of my life. Hell, we'd practically grown up together, with Eric and I being being best friends. For some reason we'd always rubbed each other the wrong way. We bickered, as if we were siblings. I never thought of her as a pesky little sister, though.  In fact, I'd always thought she was pretty, but I'd never in a million years act on that. Never.  It was such a "final" word.  I definitely wasn't looking at her like a little sister tonight and I don't think she sees me as a brother, like I'd originally thought.  I tried to mentally list all of the reasons why I needed to forget the very un-brotherly thoughts I was having, but all I could think about was how excited I was at the changes this night had brought.

First, there was the way her eyes smoldered seeing me in just a towel. She'd had me so wound up before she entered the bathroom, that I spouted off some bullshit.  I hadn't even been fully aware of what I was saying and then she thought I was calling her ugly. She might be a brat, but she was a pretty brat. So I'd planned on apologizing when she exited the bathroom, but she exited so fast and hadn't been expecting me to be standing there. The next thing I knew she'd been in my arms and I hadn't wanted to let her go.

Lastly, don't get me started on what I felt when she exited her bedroom, dressed to the nines. I knew she was beautiful, but I'll be damned if she wasn't smoking hot too. I'd felt like I was suffocating. The elephant sitting on my chest hadn't allowed me to speak, so I'd been glad when Eric had attempted to lay down the law. Although, it hadn't been surprising at how fast Erin shut him up. She'd had a point. Both Eric and I had been pretty free with who we spent our time with, ever since we started college. Lately, though, I hadn't found the same pleasure it in. It was all so shallow. The meaningless one-night-stands had started to leave a sour taste in my month and I'd decided, a few weeks ago to slow down. The last three weeks is the longest I'd gone without sex since I arrived at Highland my freshman year. Now I wondered if it was really just a coincidence that I'd lost interest in my favorite extracurricular activity around the same time that Erin moved in.

"What are we going to do?" I asked as soon as the girls left, running a hand down my face.

"Do?" Eric frowned, "About what?"

"Erin! You can't really let her go out like that."

Eric snorted, "You know my sister. She's going to do what she damn well pleases and nobody is going to be able to shut her down. I guess she'll have to learn the hard way that girls who dress like that get treated accordingly. I just hope the lesson won't be too hard on her, but there is nothing we can do about it. She's right. We don't rat each other out and even if I wanted to, she has way more ammunition.  Besides, dad doesn't really give a shit what we do as long as we stay out of his way."

"So we're just going to let her go."

A knock sounded on the front door and Eric grinned, before getting up off the couch. On his way to the door he told me, "I'm staying in tonight, by the way."

"Hey Sexy." A blond bombshell walked in, giving Eric a hotter than hell kiss, while her hand went fishing inside his pants. Damn, that was quick. Eric hadn't even shut the door yet. Without another word, Eric slammed the door shut, picked up his entertainment for the night, and went to his room.

I debated for another thirty seconds before I went to my room and swapped out my T-shirt and basketball shorts, for a pair of jeans and a polo shirt. I reapplied deodorant, put on a little cologne, and ran a hand through my hair. Then I headed out and began my hunt for a certain brunette. It took me two hours to finally find her, so by the time I did I was good and pissed. To find her at the biggest frat house on campus only made things worse. Someone walked by with a tray of shots and I swiped two of them, downing them and praying for patience.

Erin and her friends were dancing with a group, so it could have been worse, but then a guy started grinding against her behind, as they danced. Fuck that. I tossed the empty shot glasses aside and headed toward her. I gave the guy a death glare and thankfully he took the hint, scurrying away like a little bitch. Then I did something incredibly insane. I took his place. I stepped closer and grabbed Erin by the hips, pulling her ass back against me. I expected her to stiffen in outrage, but she just giggled. Shit, how much had she had to drink that she didn't even notice her dance partner had changed?

A moan escaped my lips when she bent forward and twerked her ass against me. I instantly grew hard, which she apparently noticed, because she began to grind more firmly against my aching cock. She straightened, but kept her back toward me and I, on instinct, lowered my head and ran my nose up and down her neck. She smelled like flowers.

Suddenly one of the twins, no idea which one because I couldn't tell them apart, gasped and said, "Um, Erin?"

I glanced up and I knew the gig was up. The twins had spotted me and I knew Erin would turn around in three, two..."What the hell, Chad?"

I smirked, "You weren't objecting a moment ago!"

Her eyes widened and then lowered down my front, pausing on my fucking boner. I glanced down to see how obvious it was, but thankfully my shirt hide some of the evidence of my arousal. I glanced back up at her and almost laughed at her confused expression.

"If you're here to make her leave, then-"

I held up my hand, stopping the twin speaking, "I'm not here to make her leave, but you can count on me to tag along. Where you go, I go."

"Why?" Erin asked, with a frown. "You're not my brother, Chad!"

I nodded, "You're right, I'm not. However, I do know what kind of creeps go to these parties, looking for a hookup. I used to be one of them, so I'm an expert on the subject. So, like I said, I'm hanging with you gals tonight."

I thought she'd argue further, but she just muttered, "Fine...whatever..."

"Good." I muttered back but then had to hurry to catch up as the three girls walked away. I caught up to them in the kitchen, where they were filling Red solo cups with beer. I leaned into Erin and asked, "How many drinks have you had already?"

She glared over her shoulder, "I haven't kept track, Dad. This is my first college party, so I'm here to have a good time. If you don't want to see it happen, then you're free to go. Besides that, why are you so worried? According to you I'm ugly, remember? So nobody should be interested in me anyway."

I cursed and grabbed her arm, pulling her back when she went to move away. I noticed a couple guys were talking to the twins, keeping them occupied, so I dragged Erin into a quieter corner and got in her face, "I didn't mean that, ok? I don't think you're ugly. You're actually too beautiful for your own good. I'm sorry if you thought I was calling you ugly. I felt bad as soon as I said it. You just get me so worked up sometimes that word vomit comes out and...why are you looking at me like that?"

"You said I'm beautiful."

I felt uncomfortable again and I didn't know what to do about it, so I stammered a weak ass excuse, "Well yea, but I think a lot of girls are beautiful."

She winced and then closed her eyes, almost as if she were in pain. When she opened them though, I couldn't read her expression and then she backed away, saying, "Right, well, like I said first party and all, so I'm going to get back to having fun."

I instantly knew I'd fucked up again. Damn word vomit!

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