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"I cannot believe it's your wedding day." Coral said, excitedly.

"I cannot believe you've been with the same man for five years." Chloe said, sarcastically.

"I cannot believe I'm pregnant. I'm a total cliché! I shouldn't even be wearing white!" I tell them, as I start to lose control of my emotions again.

Chad and I found out I was pregnant a month ago. We'd both been shocked. Not that we didn't know how babies were made, but we'd never skipped out on the birth control, had wanted to wait to start a family until after we were married and settled in our new home. Now, we'd have to up the time-tables a bit. We hadn't told anybody about the baby except the twins and my brother, not wanting people to think that was the reason Chad and I were getting married. Not that they would think that, considering Chloe was right. Chad and I been going strong for five years. Chad was now a high school gym teacher, as well as the school's basketball coach. I graduated from Highland last year and had already started working my way up, at a local accounting firm. I'd recently passed my test, becoming a Certified Personal Accountant.

I didn't know what would happen once the baby was born. Chad and I hadn't talked about whether I'd quit my job and stay home with the baby for the first few years or whether we'd have to find a babysitter. I cringed thinking about someone else raising my child. I wanted to quit my job, I realized. Would Chad be ok with that? Surely he would. Shit, I was beginning to panic and my makeup was already a mess from my earlier crying fits.  Pregnancy hormones were a real bitch.

"She's freaking out again." Chloe said, rolling her eyes.

"This is stupid. Why don't you just talk to Chad? You always feel better after you talk to him." Coral advised, sounding exasperated.

"I can't talk to him. I don't want him to see me in my dress until the ceremony!" I practically wail, knowing that they were right, I was freaking out.

Coral suddenly pressed a phone into my hand and when I pressed it to my ear, I instantly heard, "Erin? Talk to me. What's wrong?" I burst into tears again and Chad, chuckled on the other end, nervously, "I hope those are pregnancy tears and not tears of doubt. You're not getting cold feet about marrying me, are you?"

"No!" I said adamantly and went on to explain, through my tears, "I just realized that I want to quit my job and stay home with the baby. I don't know if you'll be alright with that and it's making me lose my shit, just a little bit. Ok, a lot actually."

"Babe, you're an accountant. Do you know that half the accountants in the world actually work from home? You could do that or don't, I don't care. If you want to take the rest of your life off work, we'll make it work. It's not like we have crazy bills. Your dad bought us the house and you have your trust fund kicking in next year. We'll be fine."

I took the tissue Chloe offered me and blotted at my tears, as I scoffed, "I sound like a spoiled brat. I have so much and yet, here I am crying."

Chad chuckled, "You're my spoiled brat though. Do you feel better now?"

"I do, but I'd feel even better if I could see you...touch you." I said, seductively.

"Ugh, they're like rabbits." Coral muttered, under her breath, but I still heard her.

Chad's breathing changed and I knew he was right there with me. He'd become insatiable this last month. I didn't know if it was the impending wedding or the fact that I was carrying his child, but he was always horny. Even more than usual. He suddenly told me, "Babe, we still have an hour before the wedding."

"Yea?" I perked up, hearing the change in his voice. He was up to something and my instincts told me that I was going to like whatever it was.

"You don't want me to see you in your dress before the wedding, right? What about touching you? May I touch you in your dress?"

"How?" I whispered, breathlessly.

I could tell that Chad was smiling when he explained, "Come to the Groom's room, at the end of the hall to the right. There is a sign posted on the door. I'll have the lights off."

"Seriously? We're really doing this?" I asked, already heading for the door.

Chad chuckled, "See you in a minute, Baby."

I tossed Coral's phone to her, just as Eric knocked and entered the room. He was frowning as he explained, "I've been kicked out of Chad's room. What's going on?" I giggled, without answering, and exited the room. I heard Eric say, "Ew gross! You two can't wait? Seriously? Ugh, whatever. So, this gives me the opportunity to try out one of my fantasies. What do you say, ladies, may I get a little twin action?"

"Keep dreaming, Eric." Chloe stated and I shook my head, wondering if my brother was ever going to grow up and settle down. He did have a serious relationship a few years ago. I had really liked her too. Jules McAllister had been a smart, beautiful, breath of fresh air, as far as I was concerned, but my idiot brother screwed it up. I still didn't know what had happened, but I knew it was somehow Eric's fault that they ended. I still ran into Jules around town and Chad got to see her pretty regularly, as she was now the High School guidance Counselor. So I knew she was still around and I still held out mild hope that she and Eric would eventually get back together. Eric, who was wasting his college education by working the craps table in a casino, I thought with a roll of my eyes.

"Baby." Chad whispered, as I stepped into the darkness of the Groom's room and everything else instantly flew out of my brain. In a little under an hour I was going to become Mrs. Chad Tucker, but right now all I could think about was feeling him deep inside of me.

"Where are you?" I asked, reaching out, before we bumped into each other and his hands moved to my waist. He lifted me and sat me down on some sort of counter top, before lifting my wedding dress, not wasting time. There was a lot of material to lift, so by the time his hands ran up my bared thighs, I was a needy mess.

As his fingers touched me, intimately, I gasped and he growled, "Seriously? You decided not to wear panties under your wedding dress?"

I grinned in the darkness, "You like it when I'm naughty."

"I really do." He said and then lowered his face between my legs.

As much as I loved when he worked me over with his tongue, that's not what I wanted in that moment. I never felt more complete than when he was buried completely inside of me. So I grabbed his hair and forced his head up, as I demanded, "I'm too frantic for you. I want you inside of me, right now."

Chad chuckled and stood. I heard a zipper and then his hands were back on me. A moment later, I felt him at my entrance and then he pushed his way home. We both grunted in pleasure. He cupped my face, kissing me deeply, and then we both began to move. I couldn't really believe we were doing this right before our wedding. Thankfully we'd chosen to get married in a hotel ballroom, instead of a church, or we might have been struck down for the dirty deed we were consumed in. Life with Chad was proving to be everything I'd wanted out of life. I'd started Highland hoping to find my one and only. I'd hoped to find someone who loved me unconditionally. I just never knew that person had been in my life all along, but like Chad always said...never say never.

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