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I was on a date with Erin Dupree. I couldn't believe it. We'd both changed clothes, opting for dressy-casual. I took her to a restaurant we'd both never been to. Oliver's was an Italian place that had always appealed to me, but I'd never wanted to come alone and I'd never found a girl I'd wanted to actually woo. Until now that is. I couldn't believe it was Erin Dupree, of all people, who had finally settled me. I remember when we were kids and she used to try to keep up with Eric and I. I hadn't minded her tagging along, but I'd been too embarrassed to admit that to Eric. So I'd went along with the teasing and, somehow, it had become habit. I was surprised she didn't hate me, but damned glad she didn't.

"So, this is what a date with Chad Tucker feels like, huh?" Erin said, grinning.

I could feel my face flush as I shrugged and said, "I suppose it is. Hope you're not too disappointed?"

"Why would I be disappointed?"

"I'm not sure how I'm comparing to other guys who have taken you out.  I'm probably screwing this whole thing up, because I have no idea how to act on a date."

Erin laid her hand on top of mine and I lifted my head, surprised. She smiled, softly at me, as she said, "I'm glad that you're willing to come out of your comfort zone for me. It truly means a lot and don't worry about me comparing you to other guys.  This is my first real date."

"Seriously? You dated in high school, though." I said and turned my hand over, grabbing hers, when she tried to pull away. She looked down at our, now, interlocked fingers for a moment, with a bewildered and yet satisfied smile on her face. Since she appeared lost in thought, I prompted, "Did none of those tools take you out like this?"

Erin shook her head, "No. You know what high school relationships were like. Well, I guess you really don't, since you never had one. They're not real mature. Sure I've held hands in the hallway and cheered for boyfriends, in the stands, at football or basketball games. We danced at school dancing and we snuck kisses, here and there, but it was never formal or official, like this."

"Official." I rolled that word around in my mouth, liking the sound of it. For the first time in my life, I wanted to become official with someone. I grinned at Erin, "So, since you've agreed to come to dinner with me, does that mean that...and I'm not saying it has to be today, but someday, do you think we'll be official?"

"As in an official couple, you mean? I never thought I'd hear you ask anyone that question, let alone me."

I chuckled, "Never say never, Babe."

"Babe?" She asked, looking bewildered again.

"No pet name, then?" I asked, wincing. I was royally messing this up.

She instantly corrected, "I don't mind, actually. It's just going to take a little to get used to, coming from you."

Oliver's was packed tonight, so when an apologetic waitress finally arrived to take our order, even though we'd barely glanced at the menu, we figured we'd better order while we had her there. As soon as she left, Erin and I both admired each other's choices and decided to share both entrees when our food arrived. We ate and shared great conversation. I'd never had such fun just talking to a girl before that night. By the time we walked outside, I was about to burst with need. If I didn't get to taste her soon, I just might combust.

So, when we reached my car, instead of opening the door for Erin, I gently pushed her against the side. Her eyes grew big and so I smiled, reassuringly, "So, here is the thing. Remember I told you that I was going to kiss you tonight?"

"Yes." She whispered, wetting her lips, which made my smile grow wider.  Her body language was telling me that she wanted that kiss almost as badly as I did.

"Well, I can't risk having your brother ruin the moment. If he's home, I might not get to kiss you, if we wait until we get home. So what would you think about me kissing you now, just to be sure?"

"Um, yes, ok, yes." She stammered.

I cupped her face and stared down at her, letting her see the full extent of my adoration for her. Then, slowly, so she could get used to the idea, I lowered my head. My lips touched hers, barely, and I lifted my head again. Her eyes had fluttered shut. After that, I couldn't hold back anymore. I lowered my head again, slanting my mouth across hers in a devouring kiss that seemed to light both of us on fire. A kiss had never felt so good. Kissing Erin tasted better than anything else in the whole world.

As I dipped my tongue into her mouth, to gently duel with hers, a moan rumbled in the back of her throat and she tried to pull me closer. We were already impossibly close and I was surprised my damned hard-on hadn't scared her away yet. I'd never been so turned on in my life. Well, until the very next second, when Erin whimpered and then innocently thrust her hips forward.

Reluctantly, I ended the kiss and leaned my forehead against hers, as I gasped for air, "Jesus, woman, you're going to be the death of me."

"Did I...do something wrong?" She asked, breathless and nervous.

"God no! Nothing we ever do together will be wrong. I just want you so bad, so I need to pull back a little."

"Why?" She asked, too innocent for her own good.

I chuckled, "Why? Well, my beautiful Erin, if I don't pull back and regain some control, then I might just toss you into the backseat of my car and fuck you right here in this parking lot."

She gasped and I silently cursed myself for my crude honesty. Then she shocked the hell out me, saying, "And the problem with that would be?"

I blinked a couple times, figuring I just hallucinated that. When she kept looking at me, expectantly, I shook my head and told her, "I might be an asshole, at times. I might be an ex-man-whore. One thing I am not, is a deflowerer of innocents. So, the fact that you are, very much, an innocent, means that I'm already breaking one of my rules. I'll be damned if your first time is in the back seat of a car. No, it's going to be something special when it happens."

"Wow. Who knew you could be so...sentimentally romantic."

I chuckled, "Let's go home, Brat."

She chuckled too, as she turned to get into the car, "What happened to calling me Babe?"

I playfully smacked her on her ass and let out another chuckle. Rounding the car, I couldn't help but shake my head. I'd never laughed so much in one day, in my life. Erin made me happy. Why was I just now figuring this out? How had I missed it all of these years? Well, I wasn't about to waste any more time, without her. She was mine and I was never letting her go.

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