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I could barely peel my eyelids open and when I did, I slammed them shut again. Ugh, why did people drink alcohol? It was so stupid. I mean, sure, it was fun at the time, but now I felt like my head was going to explode and I just might vomit. Ew, at the thought of vomiting, my stomach rolled, grabbing my trash can and leaned over it. I began to dry-heave, as nothing came out. When my stomach finally calmed I flopped back onto my bed and groaned in agony.

A knock at my bedroom door was not welcome, so I didn't respond. The door opened slowly and Chad peeked inside. I tried to glare at him, but I didn't have the energy, so I simply said, "I didn't give you permission to come in."

"I heard you trying to throw up, just now." He stepped inside and offered me a shot glass of disgusting looking liquid, "Drink this."

I shook my head, but asked, "What is it?"

He shrugged, "A little bit of everything. It always helps me feel more human after a night of drinking. Start with this small glass and when you feel up to it, there is a taller glass for you in the kitchen."

He set the glass on my end table and then exited the room. I frowned at my closed door. What the hell was that? Chad Tucker was actually nice to me? I thought back on what I remembered from the night before. He'd said I was beautiful, but ruined it by reminding me he found a lot of girls beautiful, so I was nothing special. Not that I wanted to be someone special for Chad Tucker. I mean, just no.

I rolled over and looked at the glass he'd brought in. Did I dare? I mean, knowing him he might be trying to poison me. Honestly, as crappy as I felt, I was willing to take the chance. So I slowly sat up, hoping my stomach wouldn't roll, and grabbed the glass. Still nervous, I plugged my nose and then tipped the shot back. It didn't taste as bad as it looked and went down smooth. I sat still for several moments, waiting to see if anything crazy happened. When I didn't keel over from poison I decided to risk getting out of bed.  I slipped into a pair of leggings and pulled on a baggy sweatshirt over the tank top I slept in.

Wait a damned minute! I didn't remember putting that tank top on. In fact, I didn't remember a lot of things from last night. My last clear memory, from the night before, was storming away from Chad and hitting the dance floor again. Then somebody gave me a shot, then another, and another. After that, nothing. Shit, had I blacked out from the alcohol or had someone slipped something into one of my drinks? Crap, was I seriously going to have to thank Chad for taking care of me? It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who brought me home and tucked me into bed. I felt myself blush. Did he undress me and then put the tank top on me?

There was only one way to find out. I paused in the bathroom, long enough to use the toilet and brush my teeth, before heading to the kitchen. I found Chad leaning against the counter, eating a bowl of cereal. I took a moment to appreciate the view. He wore a t-shirt that showed how much time he spend in the gym and a pair of loose, low-riding, sweat pants. His feet were bare. When I looked back up, he was smirking at me. Crap, what was my problem? I'd just checked out Chad Tucker, my brother's best friend and my long time nemesis!

I shook my head and demanded to know, "Did you undress me last night?"

He lost his humor and clenched his jaw, "No."

I frowned, losing my irritation and began to get truly worried. "If you didn't, then who did?"

He winced, "You stripped your dress over your head the second we stepped into the house. You said you were hot."

I blushed, "So you saw" I couldn't say it. The stupid mini-dress that I let my stupid friends talk me into hadn't allowed for a bra.

"Your boobs." Chad supplied nodding, but he surprised me. I figured this would be a perfect time for him to gloat. I'd been so inebriated that I'd made an ass of myself and he wasn't taking advantage of it? Why? Then another thought occurred.

I sucked in a breath, "That's not all, is it? Did we-?"

"No!" He growled and was suddenly glaring, "Do you really think so poorly of me that you think I'd fuck you while you were wasted and incoherent?"

I thought about it for a moment and answered honestly, "No, I know you wouldn't do that, but then why are you acting so weird?"

He snorted, "Other than the fact that you shoved your tits in my face last night? I mean why would that make me feel weird around you?"

"Oh my god!" I hissed and buried my face in my hands, utterly embarrassed.

"And you felt me up." He added.

"Stop." I couldn't bare to hear anymore.

He ignored me, "And you tried to stick your tongue down my throat."

I snapped my head up, "I did not! Shit, did I?"

He nodded, gravely, "When I wouldn't let you, you decided to lick my neck instead."

I narrowed my eyes, "How do I know you're not just making this stuff up to embarrass me?"

He shrugged, "I guess you'll just have to take my word for it."

I snorted, right, and motioned toward the glass on the counter, "Is that for me?" He nodded and I accepted it, drinking every, last drop. Then we stood, awkwardly staring at each other, for what felt like an eternity.

"Feeling better?" Chad finally asked.

I nodded, "Yes, uh, thank you and not just for the drink. Thanks for last night. I'm not your responsibility and yet you babysat me most of the night and then had to put up with my...advances on top of that. So, thank you."

He smiled and it wasn't his usual cocky, egotistical smile. This one was genuine. He set his now empty bowl in the sink and pushed off the counter, moving my way. As he moved passed me, he whispered, "Last night wasn't as painful for me as you think and you're welcome."

My eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my head. I wanted to chase after him and demand to know what he was hinting at, but I was scared. I was an eighteen year old virgin, with barely even kissing experience. So I felt way out of my league, at the moment. Had he meant it the way it sounded? He'd enjoyed last night or at least parts of it? Shit, I needed to call for advice. I wanted the make sure the twins made it home safe anyway and they'd both lost their V-card in high school, so hopefully they'd be able to help me read between Chad's cryptic, sexy lines. Wait! What. The. Hell? Sexy?

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