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Chad had barely moved out of my sight, before I'd begun to pace the room. I knew I was being a ninny about it, but I couldn't seem to stop the rising panic. What the hell had I been thinking? Chad was used to going all the way with girls. He probably thought what we'd just done was so juvenile. Although, he hadn't seemed disappointed. I still couldn't believe I'd actually straddled him and dry-humped him to orgasm. Again, what the hell had I been thinking? A few short minutes and Chad returned, wearing a clean pair of shorts. He took one look at me and shook his head, "You're over thinking this, Babe. Stop thinking for one minute and enjoy the fact that we're together."

"I know, I just...I don't want to leave you disappointed."

"Erin, do I look disappointed? I sure as hell don't feel disappointed. In fact, you've completely made my day. Do I want to get you fully naked and worship your body, hell yes, but what we just experienced together was almost as good. When we do get naked, it'll be completely special and we'll do that when you're ready. Not a moment sooner." Chad stated, as he cupped my face and then leisurely kissed me. When he lifted his head, he looked like he wanted to say something more, but stopped himself.

I frowned, "What's wrong?"

Chad smiled, shaking his head, "Nothing's wrong." I heard his words, but his actions spoke volumes. He suddenly released me and took a couple steps back. He ran a hand through his hair and began to rub the back of his neck. Those were two true signs that something was bothering him. Then he moved into the kitchen.

I crossed my arms over my chest and followed him, demanding, "Tell me."

He took in my stance and then wiggled his eyebrows, "You're sexy when you're bossy."

"Damn it, Chad, if you don't—"

"I love you!" He blurted, interrupting me. My mouth was hanging open and, for the life of me, I couldn't close it. I couldn't say anything. I couldn't process anything. Did I need to clean out my ears? I couldn't have heard him correctly? I mean, sure, Chad had proven that he'd left his womanizing ways behind him, but we hadn't been together very long. He winced, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blurted it out like that. I should have planned something big and romantic to tell you that for the first time. Will you please say something, so I can stop rambling?"

"I'm just, um...I never...I didn't expect that." I managed, lamely.

"Right." He clenched his teeth and I realized I wasn't handling this very well. Before I could say anything else, he explained, sounding void of emotion, "Look, I understand if you don't feel the same way. I mean, we haven't been together very long. Hell, I don't really know if we are even together. We haven't made anything official and, geez, no wonder you're freaked out. We aren't even an official couple and here I am declaring my love for you. You didn't seem ready to become official and yet, I'm dropping the L-word on you. I'm so sorry."

"Chad! Stop!" I didn't mean to yell, but things had taken such a horrible turn and I needed to fix it. The more he rambled, the more charmed with him I became. I knew my feelings for him were growing, more and more every day, but I hadn't realized until that moment how deeply I'd fallen. I smiled at him and said, "I'm ready now."

"Ready to become official?" He asked, hopefully.

I nodded and then dipped my head, peeking up at him in what I hoped was a flirty manner, as I told him, "Yes, I want to become official, but I'm ready for more than just that."

Chad blinked, "I'm sorry, Babe, but you're going to have to spell it out for me."

I was fighting a full on blush and didn't think I could bring myself to say it. So I did something, completely out of character. I reached up under my dressed and pulled my panties down. When they pooled at my feet, I stepped out of them and glanced up at him, to see if he understood me now. I wanted to do much more than just dry-hump him on the couch. I didn't think Chad's eyes could get any wider. Of course, he couldn't see my nakedness, because I still wore my dress, but I felt turned on just knowing that he knew I wasn't wearing any underwear.

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