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Three days. Three. Long. Days. That's how long it'd been since I woke up deliriously happy, with Erin in my arms, only to have it all come tumbling down not long later. I still couldn't believe how it went down. I hadn't spoken to either Erin or Eric since. Eric had tried to talk to me, but I always walked away, not giving him the time of day. If he thought I'd chosen him, he was dead wrong. I knew I hadn't handled the situation well at all and I'd spent the last three days, trying to figure out how to fix it. I'd discovered Erin had locked her bedroom door for the first two nights, but last night she must have forgotten. So I'd snuck in, while she slept, and left her a sealed note. I went out for a morning run and when I'd returned, I found the note crumpled up on my bedroom floor, unopened. I'd broken her heart, but mine was also broken.

"Are you ever going to talk to me again?"

Eric had entered the living room, where I sat staring at a television that wasn't even on. I looked up at him and thought seriously about leaving, without speaking, but I was tired. I was so damned tired of the games. So I was going to tell him exactly why what he did was wrong and why our friendship would never be the same.

Before I could do that, Eric continued, "I'm sorry, ok? I know now that what I did was wrong. I just freaked out when I got that photo sent to me. I mean, that's my little sister and you've always been...well, like me. We whore around. I couldn't stand the thought of someone treating Erin, how I treat girls."

I clenched my jaw, "I'm in love with her."

Eric nodded, "I'm starting to get that. She won't talk to me either, if it's any consolation."

"I didn't choose you."

"I'm starting to get that too. Why did you hesitate then? You could still be with her, if you hadn't hesitated."

I sighed, "For starters, I hadn't expected you to lay down the ultimatum, so it threw me at first. Then I thought about what would happen when I chose her. She'd lose her brother, because I know your stubborn ass wouldn't have forgiven me or her. I couldn't let your relationship with her die, because of me. You're family."

"You're family too." Eric said, quietly.

"Am I?" I asked, frowning. Eric had always said I was the brother he never had, but I figured that was done now.

"Of course you are. I might have temporarily gone stupid when Cohen sent me that picture, but—"

"Wait, Cohen Montgomery is the one who sent that picture? You never said that part."

"Well you stopped talking to me, so..."

I nodded and growled, "That fucker is going down! He's just butt-hurt because he thinks that I basically stole Erin out from under him. So he decided to stir up some shit. I still plan kicking your ass, because nobody hurts Erin and gets away with it, but now I have bigger fish to fry.  There is no telling what Cohen will do with that picture and who knows if he took more.  Knowing him, he'll make a million copies and post them all over school or something."

When I stood, intent on tracking the jackass down, Eric asked, hopefully, "Can I help?"

I studied him for a second and felt our friendship right itself in that moment. We were still going to have to work through some things, but Eric and I were ok. So I nodded and said, "Let's go."

I let Eric drive, because I was too keyed up to be a good driver right then. I was going to beat some ass. I was sick of Montgomery treating girls like shit and getting way with it.  He'd crossed a line when he targeted Erin. When we arrived at the frat house, there was a party going on. That was fine. It'd give us an excuse to enter the house. As Eric found a parking place, I told him, "Alright, this is how we're going to do this. I'm going to go in and sneak into the basement laundry room. You go talk to Cohen like you're his friend, express how torn up you are about the picture and how your best friend betrayed you. Blah blah blah."

Never Say NeverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon