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Episode 2 of The Winners Heart‡

"Ma'am, your bath is ready" the house maid, Harlo, says as she ushers me to the bathroom.

"Jungkook will be home a second" she mentions and leaves me alone. I strip off all of my clothing and sit in the boiling hot bath, just how I like it. I let my tense muscles relax under the heat and stare blankly at the ceiling.

I honestly don't know what to think anymore. The guy I've loved since childhood has betrayed me in the worst way. I know he loves me, he made one mistake. Onestupid mistake that I can't over look. I should've killed that Park bitch, she's lucky I have friends with a little humanity left in them.

I begin to think back to the first time I told Jungkook that I love him. How hurt I was when he brushed it off...


"Give me the diary" Jungkook tried to snatch my dairy out of my hand but I jumped on the couch to get it out of his reach.

"No! why do you need it so bad, you already know all of my secrets kook" I pout.

"You've been writing in it alot more now, you don't talk to me anymore" he whines and pulls me down to sit next to him. Thankfully he didn't try to take the diary again.

"There's something on your mind, tell me"

I look at him with nervousness because this confession has been something on my mind lately. I'm scared to tell him, but he seems like he won't let it go anytime soon so why not?

"Jungkook..." I start and he leans in with curious ears.

"I love-"

"You love Yeri so much, I get it, you write about her so much, she's gonna steal my girlfriend away from me pretty soon" Jungkook huffs with a playfully hurt expression on his face.

I couldn't say anything, maybe it's best this way.

"Yeah, haha, I love her so much..."

Present day...


My body being lifted from under the water is what took me out of my thoughts. I open my eyes to see Jungkook hovered over me with a worried expression on his face.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to die again?!" he yells, taking me completely out of the bathtub. I quickly grab a towel and wrap it around my body.

"I was just enjoying my bath" I say in a monotone voice, my face is void of emotions at the moment and I'm sure I look like a zombie from being under water for so long. "Enjoying? The water was scorching hot, please stop doing this. I don't want to loose you..." Jungkook pleads and pulls me into a tight hug.

I'm angry. His scent is making me angry. His touch, his voice, his constant worrying... it all pisses me off to no end. I push Jungkook away and distance myself from him.

"You don't want to loose me? Really?! Do you betray someone you don't want to loose? Do you lie and hurt the person you claim you love?!" I scream, not being able to stop the tears as I break down in the process.

"I'm sorry" is all Jungkook says. I'm shocked he finally admitted he cheated, but his sorry isn't enough. He ruined us! "No... I won't forgive you! you can't just walk in here and say your fucking sorry like it was nothing!"

"What else do you want from me?!" Jungkook snaps, his loud voice causing me to flinch. "There's nothing I can do but say I'm sorry, I already did it! I fucked up okay? But that is NOTHING compared to what you did!" he seethes, pointing an accusing finger at me.
What I did? What is he talking about?

"Really, Jisoo...a gun?"
I scoff in disbelief, that fucking bitch told Jungkook. She's stupid if she thinks Jungkook will get her out of this, it just makes me want to kill her even more.

"You could've went to jail for murder!"
"And what? You would bail me out like some heroin?" I laugh.
"Yes! I would do anything for you" he argues but I simply roll my eyes.
"So why can't I do anything for you?! Is it because you love her?" I ask and he shuts up. Wow.

Before I could even process my actions, I begin hitting Jungkook. Slapping him, punching him, hitting him with whatever is in sight. He tries to hold me back, but I'm relentless. I can't hurt him emotionally, so I'll just hurt him physically.
"Jisoo stop hitting me!" Jungkook yells but I don't stop. I won't fucking stop until he's bleeding.
"You won't even answer the damn question, it's because it's true?" I accuse and it seemed like Jungkook enough of it.

"Put your damn clothes on and get out of my house!" Jungkook picked up my clothes and tossed in my hands before pushing me out the bathroom. Before I could run back inside, he already locked the door.
"Fuck you Jeon Jungkook" I muttered and slammed the front door open to leave his stupid house, but not before kicking over that hideous vase next to the window.

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