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Episode 28 of The Winner's Heart ♠

Jisoo's POV*

"We're here", Jin said and pulled up in the school parking lot. After many times begging to take me to school, I agreed. 

"So, where's this Hoseok? Does he go here?", Jin questions while peeking out his window for any signs of him. "Is that why you insisted on taking me to school?", I chuckle.

"He's sick Jin, he doesn't go to school so don't go trying to do anything drastic", I warn him and he rolls his eyes. "How old even is he?", Jin ask and I knew he'd flip his lid if I told him Hoseok was 3 years older than me, he'd tease me about how older he is. 

"We're the same age, don't worry, I assure him and he gives me a look like he doesn't believe me. "Whatever. You should get out or you'll be late to class", he says and I unbuckle my seat belt before noticing he wasnt getting out. 

"Aren't you going to class today, I can't cover for you all the time, you show up atleast 2 days a week", I frown at him. "That's because I'm a genius, I learned all i need in italy, why bother going to learn the same thing over again", Jin tsk'd and I shake my head in disbelief. This idiots gonna drop out soon. 

"Where are you going?" I ask him and he shrugs. "Anywhere I guess", I give Jin a look letting him know I'm not buying his shit. "You're gonna go to his house aren't you..", I say with crossed arms and he stays silent. 

"I know what you said wasn't what really happened, you think I wouldn't catch you trying to aid that huge bruise on your back after dinner last night?", I confess to him and his head drops down on the wheel in defeat and shame. 

"Jin you cannot go back there!", I warn him and he faces me with an angry expression. "You don't know him okay, he made a mistake and wants to talk it out like an adult, what would a child like you know", Jin said, irratation clear in his voice. 

"We're the same age idiot! Just because you look older doesn't mean you are! It doesn't take a genius to know what he did was wrong and that you should stay away from him, You can say he loves you but he didn't show it!", I fire back and Jin looks taken back by tone, but he knows I'm speaking the truth, he's being too stubborn. 

"Get.Out", he growls and I pull my seat belt back on and stay in my spot. "No, you wanna go see him so bad then I'm coming with you", I retort. 

"Seriously why are you being stupid! You have 5 seconds to get out or I'm calling dad", he threatens and I scoff in disbelief. "Unbelievable!", I shout and get out the car, slamming the door hoping it breaks off its hinges. 

Jin drives away loud and fast causing some attention to be drawn to me. I shake it off and calm myself before entering the school building. 

Everything seems same old same old. Except now I have no friends, after Suzy heard about Hoseok she discreatly became distant, thinking I wouldnt notice. Then theres Jennie, she started seeing Taehyung and told me she couldnt be friends with me anymore since I hurt Taehyungs bestfriend a.k.a Jungkook.

Well, all of them can suck my dick, I dont need people to make me happy, I can be fine on my own.

I made my way to my locker and lucky me, Rosé is just at her locker at the same time.

She didnt make eye contact with me or look nervous at alll, in fact she looked almost dead inside. She wore a black hoodie with some nude skinny jeans and her hair was a mess. She looked like she hasn't slept for days. For the first time I was actually concerned about her.

"H-hey", I say but she just stands there doing nothing but dozing off at her locker. I snap my finger in her face and she gasp in shock and gives me a confused look.

"What's up?", I ask her but she doesnt respond, probably due to the fact that im causally talking to her like we're friends.

"Uhm...what do you want?", she asks blantly in a low raspy voice. "Are you okay?", I ask her and her eyes start to tear up.

I dont know why but I had this instinct to hug her and so I did just that. I held her head against my chest and let her weep. Almost everyone was witnessing this oddly gross but sweet moment.

"Why are you being nice to me?", she mumbles and I shrug, I myself dont even know the answer to that.
"I'm not sure either, I think Jin is rubbing off on me a little", I chuckle.

She pulls away from the hug and wipes her tears away but more keep coming. "I dont know what happened to you but you probably deserved it, karma's a bitch but I'm bitchier", I smile and she scoffs while pushing me away from her.

"But I guess it wouldnt hurt to be nice once in a while, being mean is energy draining so, you might as well take this one and only offer to sit with me at lunch, we dont have to talk but we both have no friends so im sure you'll be some company", I offer while gently rubbing her shoulder. She gives me a suspicious look before brushing me off and walking away, well limping away.

I dont know why but this whole situation just screams Jungkook.


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