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Episode 12 of The Winners Heart♠

Dedicated to SlumpedCash 😭

Jisoos POV*

"I'll drive you" Hoseok says but I push him away and keep walking on the way to my house.

"Im honestly done hoseok just go home and rest" I huff and walk faster.

I don't him to meet my messed up family. Ever.

"Please I want to meet your mom" he begs and I chuckled at that thought. Funny how hoseok and my mom had similar personalities but then I quickly remember how wrong things were.

"She's dead" I blurt out and I could hear his foot steps take a halt. I continue walking without looking back knowing that was enough to set him off.

I soon get to my property and put in the passcode for the gate and it opens up.

I rush to the front door and ring the bell multiple times only to hear a loud gasp behind me.

I turn around to see Hoseok with a fasvinated smile on his face while he looked at my house.

"Woah you never told me you were loaded!" He exclaims and I feel my eye twitch. Hes so stubborn!

"Yah what the hell didnt I tell you to go home! Get out of here!" I began to hit him of his chest but of course it didn't did me any justice.

My tiny fist were the only ones getting hurt.

"Sheesh! whats the big deal about me meeting your family?" He says clearly not affected by my pointless hits.

"Their crazy people Hobi I'm telling you you'll regret this" I grasp onto the collar of his shirt tying to push him off the steps.

"Im sure their not as crazy as you right now. Youre acting like a mad women!" he says and soon enough the door swings open.

We both stop moving and I let go if his collar. I slowly turn around to see an unfamiliar face in my house.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask in confusion and he looks at me with the same expression too.

"You must be Jisoo please come in" he says kind of awkward and I carefully enter my house with hoseok behind me.

"Thats weird he's like a complete replica of you but has a penis" hoseok wshipers in my ear and I smack his shoulder at his absurdness.

"Jichu darling are you home?" I hear my step moms voice echo through the house as the clank of her heels get closer until she's in full view.

She has on the shortest black dress I've ever seen. Im not even surprised because this is part of her daily slutty attire.

I glance at hoseok who has a very displeading look on his face. I smirk and already know he's going to regret coming here.

"Wheres my father" I say while crossing my arms but her eyes are stuck on Hoseok.

"Oh who's this fine looking young man" she says and I mentally curse in my head. Does she have to talk like that.

"H-hi I'm Jung Hoseok its such a pleasure to meet you mrs. Kim" Hoseok literally bows a full 90 degrees and I can't help but scoff at him.

He's too damn polite for his own good. If only he knew what a witch she could be.

Hosoek looks at me only to look away in fear after I sent him a death glare. "Wheres my damn father I don't have time for this" I say growing impatient.

She stops gazing at hosoek and finally leads the way to the back of the room. We all stop at the front of his office door preparing to meet the devil himself.

I slowly grab the door handle and open the door making a creek sound.
Once the door fully revealed the office we all walk in.

His chair is faced around but I know he must've been waiting on me for a long time.

"Appa...you're finally home" I say in the sweetest sincere voice I could pull off knowing he's angry with me even when I haven't done anything wrong.

Why would he come back so early at a time like this.

My heart drops as his chair swings around now facing me.

There the devil sat in a wheelchair with a cane in one hand and my dignity in the other.


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