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Episode 24 of The Winners Heart ♠

Jisoo's POV*

I walk into the quiet cafe as the door bell chims and take a seat at the far back. Anywhere but my house is safer with secrets.

I take a deep breath and set the file on the table in front of me. Somethings telling me not to look at it but im so curious. I went through all that trouble just to get this, it'll be a waste now.

I shake all the troubled thoughts out my mind and finally open the file.
FILE #1018245637


Age: 19

BOD: 1999, 18, February

Blood Type: O

Status: Unknown

I look at Hosoeks file in confusion. Theres not much here, it should have everything documented on him. And the fact that his status is unknown scares me.

I flipped through his file and find more papers. The one that caught my eye was his criminal records. It was probably filled with minor things so I wasnt too worried but took a look anyways.








Kim Namjoon

Victims whereabouts:
Min Yoongi: unknown
Min Holly: deceased
Jeon Jungkook: Alive

Jung Hoseok last whereabouts

Psychiatric ward of Daegu


By the time I was done reading over this criminal records i was left sobbing. What the actual fuck is this?!

None of this can be true. I refuse to believe Jungkook was even a part of those case yet alone Hoseok being a muderer.

The most shock was finding Yoongi on here. Jungkook and Yoongi used to be the best of friends before me and Jungkooks relationship started, after that he distanced himself then finally dissapeared without a word. I knew he had a thing for me but never said anything deciding we were better off as friends.

Did he die? I cry even more at the thought of the boy I was so close to was dead all this time.

"F-fuck" I whimper as I realize people in the cafe were giving me odd and worried looks.

"Ah,miss are you okay?" a deep voice asks me but I don't bother looking up and quickly gather the files and get up.

"Jisoo..." I felt a tug on my arm and turn around to see who it was.

"K-Kim Taehyung right?" I ask him and he gives me a nod. "Are you okay? Your crying alot, did something happen?" he questions me.

"Yes, well no, I mean...I'm fine, nothing to worry about, please don't tell Jungkook I was here", I say and rush away from him without realizing one of the papers fell out of file.

I straighten myself up and wipe my tears away before heading to that hell I call home well atleast I have Jin.

(I split the chapters into two since they got too long)

The Winners Heart Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora