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Episode 11 of The Winners Heart♠

Jisoo's POV*

"Ah, Hoseok stop!" I shout as I began to run away from him while he sprayed me with the water gun.

"This is revenge for not visiting me last week!" He smiles and continues to attack me with water.

He soon catches up to me and tackle me to the ground.

We're currently in tbe park right now because he said it was urgent. Of course this is what he meant.

I look up at hoseok only to realize the position we're in and immediately push him off.

I can feel my cheeks rush red and the awkwardness only gets worse.

"S-sorry you didn't get hurt did you?" Hosoek says in concern and helps me off the ground.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that, why are you out the hospital so early you could get sick" I say and dust the grass off my black skinny jeans.

A few days after I met hoseok he told me he had cancer. I was beyond shocked how could someone as happy and joyful like him have cancer.

He's in chemotherapy right now and told me it wasnt too serious but it is. Eventhough I try to be as optimistic as I can he still has cancer he could die any moment now.

"Thats what I wanted to talk to you about" he says and I start to become nervous.

Hoseok has been such a big help these past few weeks. I havent thought about jugnkook once since Hoseok has been by my side.

Its funny we only just met not too long ago and I may just care too much for him. I wonder if that's how he feels too.

I grab his arm and sit us both down on the laid out blanket.

"Don't tell me it didn't work. This is why you should stay in the hospital your life is a risk right now how could you-"

"It did work, Everything in my body is cleared up I dont have cancer anymore!" Hoseok shouts with the biggest smile on his face.

I'm left bilwildered. He's not leaving me? Soon his smile became contagious and I couldn't help but smile just looking at how happy he is.

i scream in surprise when hoseok lifted me off the ground and spun me around while laughing with joy.

"You hear that jisoo I'm not sick anymore! Im free!" He yells and I could feel peoples eyes on us and suddenly feel embarrassed.

"Im so happy for you hobi but put me down people are looking" I giggle nervously.

"Let them look maybe next time I'll need able to take you out on a real date" hoseok says and my heart beat fastens.

Did he just say date?

I think he realized what he said too once he dropped me to the ground a little too rough.

I'm about to say something until my phone rings in my pocket and I take it out.

Its my step mom. I sigh in annoyance knowing sbe probably wants me home.

I pick it up anyways.

"Hello" I say dreadfully and I can hear voices in the background.

"Jichu darling where are you right now?" She says in her scrawny voice and I roll my eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you its Jisoo!" I growl and I glance at Hoseok who seems curious at whom I'm talking to right now.

"When will you learn your manners you spoiled brat now please I need you to come home right away" she says with a demanding voice and I scoff at her attempt of yelling.

"Im busy right now whatever it is im sure it can wait" I say and I'm about to hang up the phone until she says the words I thought wouldnt come until at least 5 years from now.

"Your father...he's home"


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