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Episode 19 of The Winner's Heart ♣

Both Hoseok and Jisoo sat in silence after Hoseok explained everything to her from the start. The hospital, spending that day in the park together, how he lied to her, how he ended up back here again, and his feelings for her.

Jisoo had so many things to say but she didn't know where to start.

"Say something, please, the silence is killing me.." Hoseok said painfully. Jisoo's eyes shot up at Hoseok at that word. killing.

"So you lied to me, so what? Everyone lies here and there, but tell me this..." Jisoo said and got out her seat, slowly making her way to Hoseok.

She stopped at what she felt was a good enough distance from him and continued.

"Were you just not gonna tell me until you were gone?" she asked and Hoseok looked down with guilt, his eyes not able to meet hers out of fear that the tears would spill unexpectedly.

"I'm not even upset that you kept this from me, but these feelings..."

Jisoo took a few steps closer to Hoseok and crouched down near his bed to meet his face level. They were now caught in each other's eyes as it seemed like the world revolved around them. It didn't take much time before Hoseok began to lean in.

"They need to stop," Jisoo said, not moving an inch back away from him. Hoseok stopped what he was doing as soon as those words came out of Jisoo's mouth.

He looked at her with a confused expression and almost teary eyes.

"You can't like someone like me Hobi, I'm a terrible person, I'm only going to put you through more hell," Jisoo said and with that she got back on her feet, getting ready to step out of Hoseok's life, but he wasn't having any of it.

"I love you!" that was the only thing that Hoseok could blurt out at the moment.

"I love you so much, please don't leave me Jisoo!" Hoseok cried out as Jisoo stood in the front of the door with her back turned against him.

"You were going to leave me, So why shouldn't I leave you too huh? You were just gonna disappear and never tell me weren't you!" Jisoo finally snapped as she soon began to cry too.

"I was scared and I didn't want you to worry! I'm so-"

"Yeah well guess what? I am worried Hoseok! I'm scared too, but I was never planning on abandoning you because I knew I'd end up falling in love with you! Not once since I've been with you have I thought of Jungkook and it feels fucking good to finally get my mind of the boy who broke my heart! but look, you're about to do the same thing, you're no different than him..."

Hoseoks heart broke at her words. He always thought he was the only one with these feelings but he was wrong. He didn't want to be like this Jungkook guy. He didn't want to be the one to cause his precious angel pain.

"I never wanted to hurt you! I shouldn't have kept this from you, I'm sorry. I'll apologize a million times if I have to, Just know that I never wanted to hurt you. I'm nothing like the others!" Hoseok begged for forgiveness like his life depended on it.

Well, it kind of did. He knew he couldn't live without her even though he'd been holding onto this thin piece of thread for so long. He needed her in order to make it through, he knew all of that now.

"Then prove me wrong!" Jisoo yelled and spun around, finally facing Hoseok.

Her heart began to race as Hoseok got out of the hospital bed and came stomping to her. Without warning, Hoseok crashed his lips onto Jisoo's rosy soft ones. She didn't pull back, she didn't stop him because she actually wanted this.

He kissed her passionately as their lips mended so perfectly like two puzzle pieces.

The kiss began to get heated as their tongues practically salsa danced and their hands began roaming each other's bodies with the sensation they were both feeling that was unexplainable.

They pull apart and take shaky, shallow breaths. Unable to contain himself anymore, Hoseok finally said it.

"Let me have you", he said in a low whisper voice which Jisoo found so pleasing. She didn't even need to reply as she unbuttoned her shirt and let it fall to the floor.

Hoseok's eyes roamed her chest before focusing back on her face which was flushed pink. Jisoo gently grabbed the collar of Hoseok's Hospital gown and leaned in until their faces were inches apart.

"I'm yours"


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