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Episode 30 of The Winner's Heart

"Am I going to die?", Jin cried as Jisoo held his body in her hands with tears in both of their eyes.

"N-no you're not! Just say with me Jin please stay!", she pleaded but Jin's eyes were rolling to the back of his head even though he was trying to hold on.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I make you worry like this....", Jin barely whispered before he finally closed his eyes.

"J-Jin? Jin wake up! Stop joking please tell me this is a joke!", Jisoo shouted and shook Jin's limp body but there was no response.

That's when the paramedics came and tried to take Jin away into the ambulance. "I'm sorry miss but well have to take him now", but Jisoo wouldn't allow it.

"NO DONT TAKE HIM AWAY PLEASE! JIN WAKE UP! PLEASE JIN!! TELL THEM IT'S A JOKE, TELL THEM IT'S A JOKE!!!", Jisoo screamed for her life as the cops began to retrain her onto the floor.

Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim stood behind the window watching all the commotion going down. For the first time, Mrs. Kim actually cried for them, thinking how could this have possibly happened.

8 hours earlier ~

Jin sat quietly on the comfy king-sized bed as he waited for his boyfriend to get home. He called Jin a few hours ago to meet him at his place yet he's the one to be late. Jin sighed and decided to take a look around the room.

For a guy like Sihyun, he sure was a dork with all his Ryan stuffed toys spread around the room neatly. Jin let out a slight chuckle as he held the toy in his hands. "We both know Sihyun loves me if someone hurt wouldn't you give them a second chance? Jisoo just doesn't understand", Jin sighed after having his conversation with the stuffed toy.

"Ah, he's making crazy!", Jin huffed and squished the toy on his chest before feeling something odd in it. He got up off the bed and looked at the back of the toy to see it had stitches on the back.

Curiosity took over Jin's mind and he decided to slightly open it up. He dug his hand in the back and felt something like a small patch and took it out.

He was met with a powdery substance and his eyes widened. He knew what drugs looked like from the back of his head since he studied them a lot back in Italy.

Just what could Sihyun possibly have to do with this?

Jin heart fastened at the thought of his boyfriend being some drug abuser or some type of drug lord. With panic, Jin quickly looked at all the stuffed toy and was scared to open all of them but he knew he had to if he wanted the truth.

He soon began to grab each and every toy and open them one by one, only to have the same results. Drugs, drugs, and more fucking drugs.

Jin's eyes spilled of tears as his breathing began to get heavy due to the anger. How could he lie to me? He told me he's never done drugs in his life, he knew they were a deal breaker for me.

That's when Jin had a final thought in mind, he does this shit and I'll still come back to him, Jisoo is right I need to get the hell out of here.

Jin grabbed every toy he saw in sight and ran to the bathroom then proceeded to flush all the drugs down the toilet. He didn't care if Sihyun would be angry, he just wanted them to be gone.

Suddenly he heard the front door slam shut. "Jinnie baby are you here yet?", Sihyun yelled out and that's when Jin came back to his senses.

Sihyun would be angry and Sihyun would hit him. He needed to leave now but unlucky for Jin there was no escape, all he had was to run but then again that's useless, Sihyun's very strong and used to run track, it's be very easy for him to catch up to Jin.

"I know you're here, the front door was unlocked already, I said I'm sorry for last night I just...", As Sihyun kept talking he entered his bedroom only to see the mess Jin made.

They both made eye contact before Sihyun finally spoke. "What did you do", Sihyun said sternly and that was just enough to make Jin's breath hitch.

"You lied, why would you-" "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?!", Sihyun shouted at Jin only to make him fall back in shock. "Thier gone Sihyun! It's all gone", Jina answered with teary eyes as Sihyun came closer to his figure.

"What do you mean they're gone?'", He asked waiting for Jin to answer. Jin didn't want to answer but knew he had to. "I-I flushed them...", Jin whimpered and before he could even see it coming, a fist landed on his nose and his head flew due to the compact.

Jin's nose burst with blood as he lay there on the floor crying and trying to stop his probably broken nose.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JIN! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THOSE COSTS?!", Sihyun yelled as he started to punch and kick Jin all over his body. "S-stop Sihyun, please! I-It hurts...", Jin cried while trying to protect his body but it only bruised his arms and legs.

"I have done everything to make you happy! Why can't you just let me be huh?!", Sihyun shouted and the beating stopped. Jin slowly removed his hands from his face and faced his boyfriend. "Happy? Is THIS what you call happy?! Things worked out fine while I was away in Italy but now...you've changed Sihyun, the drugs have you messed up in the head!"

Sihyun scoffed in annoyance and grabbed one of the toys, seems like Jin forgot one. "The drugs didn't mess me up baby, you did", he smirked.

"I'm such a fuck up right? but you're worse, while I was here trying to save up for the both of us you go around in Italy fucking around with some asshole!", Sihyun growled and jin's eye widened in shock.

"What? You think I wasn't going to find out about Ken and your little fling? You even had the audacity to post pictures of him on your page and yet I still fucking love you, you worthless piece of shit!", Sihyun spat.

"It wasn't a fling, I caught feelings for him, You know this already I tried to break it off with you but you wouldn't let me! Just let me go Sihyun please...", Jin tried to stop himself from crying but he couldn't help it. They weren't good for each other anymore. Sihyun was a ticking time bomb and Jin couldn't take it anymore.

"Never! You think Ken can love you as much as I do? If I can't have you then nobody else can!", Sihyun shouted and roughly grabbed Jin's neck, pinning him to the ground and tore open the Ryan doll.

"You never understood why your mom was always hooked on drugs but looks like you'll find out today", Sihyun smirked and Jin tried to plead no's but Sihyuns grip was too strong on his neck for him to even speak before he forced Jin's mouth open and pouring every single drop down his burning throat.

Jin's body reacted instantly causing a wave of shock to be sent throughout his whole body before everything blacked out.

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