23 (M) ⚠

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Episode 23 of The Winners Heart ♦

Smut/rape warning! Youve been warned

Jungkook's POV*

"You did what?!", Rose screams in shock after hearing what happened earlier today.

"I thought she needed help! Turns out she just uses me for her boy toy..." I mutter in disappointment.

"I dont care if she was on the verge of death, do you know what this means? Im not going to get sharehold of my dads company if I cant marry you!" Rose shouts, throwing anything shes sees.

"Good! I dont want to marry you Rose, isnt this all too much, this is my fathers mess not mine so why am I being tortured?!" I yell back with twice as much anger.

She scoffs and shakes her head at me disapprovingly as she slowly makes her way to me on the desk.

"Jungkook, how stupid can you get? You know im only doing this to get back at Jisoo plus I really do want you...both Jisoo and I have everything any girl could dream of, but do you know what she has that I don't?" She says while caressing my cheek.

I already knew the answer to her question and let my head fall down in misery.

"That's right so until you stop pretending to love me and do it for real, this. Isnt. Over" she says with gritted teeth before smashing her lips onto mine. The taste of strawberry enters my mouth and it took everything in me not to back hand her right then and there.

She's right even though I hate to admit it. I can't get out of this unless I give her what she wants. I have to give her all of me. Nomore Jisoo. Just Rose. I sigh and finally for once knew what to do.

I pull away from the kiss and look into her eyes. Those evil and deceiving eyes that got me stuck here in the first place.

"Fine, you want me than you can have me baby girl" I whisper seductively in her ear and a soft moan leaves her lips.

"f-fuck me Jungkook" she whines and i begin to smirk.

"What was that? I couldnt hear you baby girl" I tease as she became more and more Impatient.

"I said fuck me Jeon Jungkook!" She yells snd undresses herself in a blink of an eye, now standing bare naked in front of me. I would be lying if I said her body wasnt a beautiful sight to witness.

"As you wish"

I aggressively grab her hips and turn us around and slam her on the wooden desk I was once sitting on.

She gasp in pain and I grab her wrist pulling them above her and began to leave kisses all over her body.

Rose's POV*

Before I could speak another word, Jungkook begins to kiss me in places Ive only dreamed he'd kiss.

The touch of his lips on body alone made needy and horny, I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Please...I need you In me...fuck me until I can't walk" I beg him and he stops what he's doing and gives me a smile. I could see something different in his eyes and it was anything but lust.

He quickly unbuckles his pants and throws off his underwear somewhere in the room before I could get a good look at his manhood.

My eyes widen in shock. It was huge. Bigger than I had expected. Imagine what its like when its fully erected. sudden fear took over my body as Jungkooks hands roamed my body.

He kisses me hungrily and bites my bottom lip so hard im sure its bruised and bleeding.

"Please go easy" I whimper, realizing I won't beable to handle his length since its my first time. He lets out a forced laugh before he harshly spreaded my legs apart.

"Thats not what you were saying a few minutes ago babygirl" he smirks and thats when I relaized what was going on. This isnt love, this is revenge.

"J-jungkook wait" I say trying to escape his grip and force my legs back together but he was too quick.

Before I knew it, Jungkook slams his cock inside of me, sending a jolt of pain through my body. I could practically hear ny insides rip as je slammed back in me again.

I screamed in agony while he moaned in pleasure as the tears fell from my eyes. He continued to go at an animalistic speed and I waited for the pleasure to kick it but I got nothing but pain.

"P-pleae..stop Jungkook" I sob but it only made it worse. He swiftly turned me face down on the desk and forced my ass up into the air before pulling my hair and resuming back to his torment on my body.

It wasnt too long before his movements got sloppier and sloppier. "I-Im gonna cum!" He moans before shooting his load in me. Sadly I was able cum after him dispite all the pain.

Jungkook pulls out of me and lets me go causing my limp body to rest on the table as weak sobs left my mouth.

In my rear veiw vision i see Jungkook getting dressed before he came to dress me but I dont let him.

"Stop! d-dont fucking touch me!" I scream at him as he tries to pull my shirt over my head. Of course he doesnt listen to me and proceeds to dress me no matter how many times I hit to stop.

"I know you'll come back for more since that the kind of whore you are, but let me tell you one thing" Jungkook says in a dangerously low voice and coming closer to my ear.

"If you want to test my limits again be my guest, just know it'll be worse than this, I'll fuck you to death if that's what it takes for you to stop" His hot breathe hits my neck sending shivers down my spine before leaving the room like that.

I burst into tears and ball up on the table laying in blood sweat tears, letting all the scenes from before replay in my head.


I'm sorry I suck at writing smut please forgive me 😭

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