His Glimpse

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Arthit never thought he was gay. Hell, even in his wildest dreams he never imagined, that he would like a guy. The love of his life was Namtarn, his best friend and also the girlfriend of his another best friend. So of course it was unrequited. And he thought he could never like anyone else. That was before he met him.

It was a normal day like always. Getting up late, going to college, meeting his friends, attending classes, laughing, talking, until Bright opened his stupid mouth and his life started going downhill from that moment on.

"Hey, you guys heard?" ,He asked.
"What, that you made a fool of yourself again last night?", Replied Toota.
" Hey I was drunk...but that's not the point. You do know that today is the day freshmen joined?", Bright said.
"Yeah, so?? Is it about the hazing activities we have to attend for our training later? ",Asked Prem.
"No it's about the medical department. Apparently a super hot guy has joined, and he is already making a buzz.", Bright said.
"Oooh, is that so?can we please go see him in the break?? Please, please", whined Toota.
But before anyone could reply, the professor came and the class started.

Arthit didn't thought much about it. It was just Toota being Toota, drooling over every hot guy, until break time came and they became the centre of attention. People were looking at them curiously. He felt really uncomfortable and cursed the moment he agreed to Toota's words. Because currently, they were in medical department and stood out as sore thumbs because of their red engg. jackets.

But Arthit didn't let it show on his face. He kept a scowl on his face and glared at anyone who made eye contact with him.

"Damn you Toota, can we go now?", Arthit said with irritation.
"Nope, not until I see him", replied Toota , scanning the area.

But suddenly, there was a commotion at the other end of the cafeteria where they were currently standing. People started focussing their attention there.

"I think we found the person", said Bright excitedly.

At the other end of the cafeteria, three people entered. Arthit and his gang moved a little closer to have a better look.
"Which one of them is it?", Asked Prem.
"How would I know, even I haven't seen him" ,said Bright.
" OMG!! All of them are hot" , squealed Toota.

As for Arthit, as soon as he saw them, he knew who was responsible for all this commotion. He thought his friends were either stupid or blind, not to notice it instantly. Among the three, it has to be the tallest one. He was simply breathtaking. He had never been attracted to another guy before, but now, Arthit found him very attractive.

And just too soon, for his liking, he went the other way, and the next thing he knew, he was going back to his department in a daze.

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