His heartbreak

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Life sure is cruel, atleast to him, thought Arthit. Once was not enough, and he had to go through it again. The world turned black and white again, the food became bland. And since then, life, just to mess with Arthit, made him spot them everywhere. In the college, in the canteen, hell, even outside the college. And his heart never failed to throb everytime he saw them. Heartbreak sure is a serious thing, thought Arthit.

And it was a public knowledge, the whole college knew, that the campus moon and the runner up were chasing that freshman. And how can it be possible, that there is no gossip about them, he being the campus moon. It was everywhere.

Arthit's friends couldn't fathom his gloomy behaviour, so finally Prem asked him, "Arthit, you know you can tell us anything. So please tell us, what's bothering you?"

Arthit took a look at his friends, and noticed, even his friends were suffering because he was suffering, so he told them everything, including his heartbreak. His friends were very supportive, Bright and Toota offered to introduce new people to him. But of course he refused, he first had to mend his broken heart.

The mornings were particularly difficult, because he saw him everyday at the pink milk shop. Sure he could go to another shop, or come before or after, but he refused to be weak and coward. Besides, it was the only time, he was alone and his whole attention was on Arthit, no matter how short.

But honestly, it was a pitiful situation. Both sweet and sour, happy and bitter. Arthit wanted to disappear but be present at the same time. Mind said no, but heart said yes, even though it was the heart that was suffering. But people are known to do stupid things when in love and Arthit was no exception.

So morning after morning he went there, but this morning was a little different, because his friends were also present today. Arthit stood behind them in line and noticed that they were talking urgently and there was a nervous energy around them. Arthit looked at them curiously, do they have an exam today?

"You can do it Pha, encouraged Beam.

" Yeah just go and make him yours", said Kit.

Oh, so he is confessing today, thought Arthit sadly. That means from today onwards, he'll officially be committed. He cried a little inside but still prayed to God for his success.

They collected the pink milk, greeted Arthit and went their way. Phana with a determined face. And Arthit in return, gave a genuine encouraging smile.  

After some time Arthit made his way to college. Passing by the college grounds, he met a distressed Kit and Beam.

"Nong, is everything okay?", He asked.

"It's Pha, he got rejected", answered Beam.

"What!!, Then shouldn't you be with him?"

" We were, but he said he wanted to be alone", answered Kit.

" Where is he?"

"In the grounds, said Beam, pointing to a direction.

Arthit thanked them and went that way. What he saw, broke his heart. The mighty Phana, the confident and charming Phana, was sitting hunched, holding the pink milk, looking thoroughly dejected. Arthit thought he didn't had anything else to break, but he was so so wrong . Yes, being sad hurts, but seeing your loved ones sad hurts so much more.

Arthit quietly took a seat next to him. He knew Phana sensed his presence but didn't acknowledged it.

1 hour,2 hours, they sat there many hours without talking. Finally, at dusk, Pha got up, and made a movement of throwing the pink milk away.

Arthit quickly snatched it, took a sip, and said,"If you haven't noticed, even I like pink milk".

Phana looked at him, like really looked at him, and Arthit thought it must be the first time that Pha was looking at him properly.

Arthit blinked his eyes, reddened at the realisation of what he said and  unable to take his stare, he fled.

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