His confession

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It was a fine Saturday morning, and Arthit had every intention of sleeping till late. Last week was tiring, with classes, labs, assignments and Phana chasing.

Arthit never knew courting someone could be so difficult. You have to plan out everything, the timing, the event, what to say, what to do, but the most difficult thing was to act upon it.

And you also have to think of the response and the consequences of your actions. Mind you, one wrong move and it could go wrong.

So Arthit, in his own way and pace, was courting him, by discreetly stalking him and frequently messaging him. And it was exhausting. And he was even planning to ask him out for his due treat.

So, it was a well deserve rest for him, according to Arthit.

But his peaceful sleep was Interrupted when his phone rang. Arthit cursed loudly, but when he saw the caller's name, he instantly sprang up, sleep miles away and took the call.

" Good morning P'Arthit. Were you still sleeping?"

Arthit checked the time, it was 10 am.
" Nah, I was about to get up".

"Are you free today P?"

Arthit's heart started beating fast with anticipation, "yeah"

"Great, can you get ready and come down in half an hour. I'll meet you downstairs."

With that, he hung up.

Downstairs? Which downstairs? Can he be any more vague? Definitely he doesn't mean my building's , right?

Arthit decided to go down stealthily and have a look, just to make sure.

When he was just a staircase away from reaching the ground floor, he saw him, looking handsome as ever, waiting for him.

Arthit rushed back, two steps at a time. He got ready in record 15 minutes, hoping he looked presentable.

With all nonchalance and acting cool, he descended the stairs, and when Phana spotted him, acted all surprised.

"Oh!!you are early"

"You are early too"

On this closer look, Phana took his breath away. It looked like he dressed up with great care. What's the occasion?, Wondered Arthit. He was looking so fresh, like a cool morning air. And he was wearing a different cologne today, still masculine and heavenly, but very sexy. Just a whiff of it was making Arthit feel strange.

Damn!! He's out for a kill today. Who is the lucky person, he mused.

" Shall we go then?"

"Um, where?"

Phana smiled playfully and said, " P' Arthit, I want my long due treat today"

"Uh..oh..okay. do you have a place in mind?"

" Many, but I want to know your favourite place"

Arthit thought for a moment, and said, " ohk, let's go".

They started walking side by side, with Arthit squealing like a girl from inside. Their hands brushing occasionally. Arthit blushed and quickly shoved it inside his pockets. Scared, of doing something stupid, like holding Phana's hand, for which he was getting a strong desire to do so.

There was a light smile playing on his lips, and there was a small bounce on his steps. Just like his name, he was shining brightly, Arthit.

Doesn't it feel like a date? Questioned Arthit. Is it really a date? Or is it just a wishful thinking on my part?

All these questions were driving him crazy, and he had waited long enough. So today he will ask him if he has someone he likes, decided Arthit.

Soon they reached a nearby mall.

"There's a really good restaurant here. I come here most often", informed Arthit.

They sat inside the restaurant and ordered their food. This time Phana ordered a different set from last time and Arthit stored this piece of information again.

While waiting, Arthit noticed that many girls were looking their way, more particularly at Phana. He felt a little irritated and jealous.

Soon their food arrived and they started eating. But some girls had the audacity to approach their table and asked if they could join.

Arthit gritted his teeth but maintained a pleasant face. I am such a good actor, Arthit complimented himself.

But Phana declined them gently, telling them that he was on a date with his boyfriend.

Arthit blushed immediately. Is this how it would feel while dating Phana? Being called his boyfriend and that too from his mouth, made him feel giddy.

Ok, it's now or never, decided Arthit and said, " Those girls were pretty. Why did you sent them away?"

" Because P, I am not interested in them".

"Does this mean you have someone you like?"

Phana smiled fondly and replied," yes"

A rock fell on Arthit's chest. He always thought how he would react, but he never considered his own reactions, when something not good happened. So he was not prepared for this. He felt like crying. Oh god please, not again.

"I see", he replied calmly.

But for some reason, this topic made Phana more chatty and happy," P, do you think I moved on too fast?", He asked earnestly.

Arthit looked at Phana and replied truthfully," not at all. If you found your right person, why still cling to your past."

"My right person..just for me, sounds so nice and warm", Phana smiled dreamily.

On the other side, Arthit's mind was working furiously, who could it be. He only hangs out with his friends, my group and and Pring!! That's it . How could I miss it. They are in the same department and in the same building too. That means meeting each other a lot.

Arthit sighed. He should have known. What was he thinking. He cleared his throat," so who is this right person of yours?"

Phana smiled mischievously," it's a secret. But just so you know, am currently chasing that person".

Arthit's thoughts turned gloomy. He. Had regularly seen Phana and Pring together. Could his day get any worse.
It was Monday morning again. Arthit woke up and got ready for college.
Yeah, even when you are sad and dejected, the world doesn't stop moving. So even you have to get up and keep moving forward, or else you will be left behind. With that thought in mind, Arthit paddled his bicycle to college.

Out of habit, he took the road by the dormitory, but immediately cursed himself. He decided to quickly move away but then some one called

"P' Arthit, good morning"

He turned back and saw him, riding a bicycle. He quickly came near Arthit.

"Oh! You bought a New bicycle".

"Yeah, I told you so. Now you have to keep your promise and accompany me to college everyday", replied Phana and smiled.

Why God why? Why does Phana do this? One moment he makes him happy, then sad, then happy again. Is it because his pace is as slow as a turtle, that it's difficult to keep up with him.

"P 'Arthit, don't even think of breaking your promise", Phana winked and went ahead.

At that moment, Arthit thought, consequences be damned. He might be a turtle moving slowly, but he'll still move forward. He'll keep chasing Phana, until he himself tells him to stop. Even if it wouldn't have a happy ending, he'll see it through till the end.
And until that time comes, he'll just enjoy every moment spent with him.

"Hey!! I never made such a promise", Arthit shouted while catching up with Phana.

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