His Class

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It was 12 am right now. Arthit was silently walking towards the college library. He felt like a ghost, no, more like a thief because he was hoping that nobody would see him. He told his friends back at the pub that he was sleepy, so going home. But right now, he was far from sleepy, infact he was very alert.

Arthit didn't know what madness brought him here. He just heard his words, and his mind instantly told him to go there. Curiosity, he reasoned. But what was the cause of this curiosity, he didn't dare to go there right now.

But the thing is, he wasn't even sure that he was there in this library. He just took a guess and went there.

And right now standing in front of the library, in the middle of the night, he was contemplating whether his behaviour would be called stalking. Whatever, he thought, and went inside.

He entered the library as silently as he could. And as soon as he entered, he spotted him right away. He was sitting with his back to the door, surrounded by a group of students. So engrossed were they, that no one noticed his arrival.

They were the only occupants of the library. Arthit discreetly picked up a book and chose a seat well hidden from them and with a one way vision. Arthit thanked the heaven for making him drink orange juice instead of alcohol. Otherwise he wouldn't be here right now.

There were only 2 situations, when students study with this intensity, thought Arthit.
1) when they have a deadline
2) when they have an exam the next day

Considering that other people are dancing in the pub, it must be the  second one. That too, he thought, must be a retest, cause only a handful of them were studying. And observing them, Arthit concluded, that Phana was helping them study.

Later, people started leaving one by one. Arthit checked the time- 2 am. He was starting to feel sleepy and he dozed off. He dreamed about pink milk and charming devils.

After a while, He woke up with his neck protesting, disoriented, he wondered where he was, then he saw him, and instantly remembered everything. Checked time- 4am, and he was still there, but with fewer people.

As much as Arthit wanted to stay, he thought it more rational to go back. So, as silently as he came, he exited without anyone noticing, or so he thought.

I attended his midnight class, without him noticing, Arthit chuckled. Thank god, it's Saturday tomorrow, he could sleep all  day, he thought and hummed all the way to his room.

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