His messages

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It was a day after the trip. Arthit was holding his mobile trying to compose a message. He wanted to thank Phana again for the handkerchief and maybe invite him for their next trip. He was feeling courageous, so he typed exactly that and was about to send it when his phone beeped with an incoming message. Arthit opened it and read.

' Good morning P'Arthit. The trip was fun. Thank you for bearing with us. Let's go together again next time.'

Oh it's from Phana...

Wait, it's from Phana.

Omg!! It is from Phana!!

Now Arthit was excited and elated. He instantly brightened up and texted back- 'sure'

After some time, he realised what he did. He had just answered in one word. He grumbled, he must be an idiot who needs to learn texting etiquette.

While he was still berating himself, Phana texted back- ' can't wait for it'

With great difficulty, Arthit stopped himself from squealing.


It was lunch time. Their previous class went on well into their lunch time . Now there was only 10 minutes left. So, Arthit and his friends were hurriedly gobling down their food.

Arthit's phone beeped with a message. He cursed, but still checked it.

' slow down P'Arthit, or you'll choke'

Now, Arthit wouldn't have choked while hogging his food. But reading this message made him do just that.
He stopped eating and looked around, but couldn't spot him.

Arthit was thinking of a reply, when the bell rang. So he hurriedly typed a message and sent it.

' I did choke, but because of you.'


Right now Arthit was in his room. He was done with his college work, so his mind automatically led him to Phana. He checked the messages nth time and smiled.
Today was a happy day for Arthit. After all , he received 2 messages from him. Which led him to think of the replies he sent and he regretted again. Does he need to attend texting classes? What's the correct way of texting? What should one type in order to not make a fool of oneself.

And then Arthit's finger began to itch. He desperately wanted to send a text. Damage control, he reasoned. It doesn't hurt to send a good night message does it? Besides it's his turn to message now, isn't it? But he was still feeling nervous. He was still fidgeting when he got a text.

' good night P' Arthit'

Now Arthit was very pleased. He texted back the same and went to sleep thinking, that this night was good indeed.

After that they started texting frequently, almost everyday. And if Arthit was less grumpy and hot headed, no one complained. If he started smiling at his juniors, no one could hide their surprise, and if he started checking his phone frequently and smiled like a lunatic very often, his friends exchanged knowing glances.

In short, Arthit was having a good time. And he felt like the dynamics of their relation changed yet again. How come, when Arthit's the one pursuing, it's Phana who always give direction to their relationship, he wondered.


Arthit was going to college on his bicycle. He was in a pleasant mood. And it had something to do with someone's good morning message. He's been riding his bicycle for three years, and  still enjoyed it. The cool morning air hitting your face, the extra blood pumping, refreshing your mind, and looking at the scenery passing by, which you could never from inside a car.

He was passing by the dormitory yet again. And this time, he was frank with himself of the reason- to see him. And his wish was granted. He saw him walking to the college yet again.

He took his bicycle beside him and rang his bell.

Ring ring .....

Phana turned to look back. It felt like déjà vu. But this time, Phana smiled when he saw him.

"good morning P'Arthit"

" good morning nong, need a ride?"

Without hesitation, he said, " sure", and climbed onto the back, but this time facing backwards.

Arthit started paddling. He felt Phana leaning on him completely. He blushed but still shouted


"This certainly feels nice. Can you give me a ride everyday P'Arthit?"

" You are heavy and my hands are straining. Buy a bicycle for yourself and use it. "

"If I do, will you go to the college with me everyday?"

Arthit's heart skipped a beat and he felt excited, but replied," no way".

"P' Arthit, please stop "

Arthit was alarmed, " what happened?"

"Nothing, just please stop"

Arthit stopped the bike. Phana asked him to get down and he did. Then he sat on the front and asked Arthit to sit at the back. And Arthit did.

"Is it nice?"


"If you want, I can give you a ride everyday"

Arthit laughed, " you don't even have a bike"

"If I do, will you?"

Arthit just hummed in response.

Sure it felt nice, no, great. Just thinking about the scenario made him feel giddy. Everyday, he could be this close to him. He leaned his head on his back, and inhaled his smell. It made him feel warm. He lifted his hand to grab onto his shirt, but hesitated.

" Hold on tightly P'Arthit. Am going to go fast now".

With that he increased the speed.

Now, Arthit was forced to hold onto his waist. He smiled stupidly and a little shyly, this morning was good indeed.

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