His tattoo

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It was already 4 months into the new semester. And saying Arthit was doing fine would be a stretch, because right now, he was a total mess. And no, it wasn't because classes were tougher or the hazing training more demanding. Right now, Arthit was having a crisis about his sexuality.

Ever since he saw Phana, he became very curious about him, for he was a fine specimen. He just thought it as an admiration for a beautiful being, nothing more. But when he saw him with Pring, his world turned upside down, because he realised this thing run deeper than he thought. He was in fucking love with him. Without any reason, without any rhyme or rhythm, just like that. And he fucking hated it.

It's not easy to accept the fact that you are gay. And for Arthit, it was the same. All this time, he thought he was straight, unaware of this side of him. And now it dropped like a bomb on him.

So he continued his days on and on, silently thinking.

And even right now, he was in a pensive mood, sitting in a cafe with Knott.

"You know you can tell me anything", said Knott breaking his thoughts.

Arthit looked at him and thought, Knott is the best person with whom he can share, so he started speaking about it. About how he is gay, how he is in love with Phana and how he is finding it difficult to digest it.

" Now you tell, what should I do?",asked Arthit in despair.

"It's simple, just go with your feelings. Don't oppose it. Because, even if you reject it, it doesn't change who you are. And ignoring it will only bring you sadness and misery, just like now.

Arthit looked at him and said, " even though we are the same age, how come you are more sensible?"

Knott just smiled and said," and don't worry Arthit, I won't tell anyone. You tell them when you are comfortable.

Ever since the start of new semester, Arthit avoided everything related to Phana like a plague. He stopped taking that route. And stopped going to library unless very necessary. And that too, at a time when he was not there.

And he decided to keep it that way. That guy was bringing too much trouble. If being gay was not enough, he had to go ahead and fall for him, of all the people. He was just so unreachable, specially for likes of him, because Arthit was sure, Phana was straight as a rod.

But soon, his resolve came crumbling down when he spotted him, playing basketball with his friends. With sweat dripping, shirt clinging and him panting, he looked so hot. Arthit's heartbeat picked up and there was a strange feeling all over his body, starting from his chest. But the thing which caught his eye the most, was the tattoo on his arm. With his tattoo, he was taking hotness, to a whole new level. Arthit had never liked tattoos, but damn, now it became a kink for him.

All the caution to his heart were thrown to the wind, and Arthit muttered to himself," fine!!, I am gay, but only for him. And after what seemed like months, he smiled.

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