His room

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Capture the flag Day was just a few days away. So Arthit, being the head hazer, was working very hard on planning it. He wanted it to be difficult but at the same time, he wanted all of his juniors to pass the test. Even 0062, who had been ticking him off since the first day.

And Arthit was satisfied with their plans and preparations. The only thing, he was dissatisfied with was himself. It had been days since he last saw Phana. And the only thing which he was doing in the name of pursuance was passing by his dormitory in the mornings and evenings everyday. Sure he could have texted him to hangout sometimes, and he did tried too, but he would always chicken out at the last moment. Just like now, out of desperation, he had typed out a message, asking him to eat dinner together with him. His finger hovering over the send button, but inside, he knew he would not send it, atleast for now.

So engrossed was he with this message, that he didn't noticed someone coming from behind.


Arthit in return was so startled, that he actually pressed the sent button.
Immediately he cursed loudly and turned back angrily.

"KONGPOB", he hissed. Arthit was very tensed right now, thinking what he would think and very afraid of the rejection.

So he lashed out at 0062," what do you want?"

Kongpob was a little taken aback, but still answered, " I was in the library studying, when I came out, I saw you and thought of greeting you", and pouted a little.

Arthit felt a little bad for shouting at him and was about to speak when his phone rang with an incoming message. He opened it with a feeling of trepidation. But what he read instantly lightened his mood, he tried to suppress a smile and said to 0062- " Don't be out so late. Go back to your room. And be prepared for the incoming capture the flag Day".

With that, he turned around and walked away, with Kongpob wondering at the sudden change in his temperament. It made him gutsy, he shouted, " P' Arthit".

Arthit turned back while walking, " what?"

" You look cuter when you are angry".

Arthit was at a loss as to what to say, so he said the only intelligent thing he could think of," shut up", he shouted.

Someone might as well throw an egg at him, and he wouldn't mind, he was that happy right now. He was resisting the urge to run all the way to his dormitory. Wouldn't want to look uncool in front of a junior, right. So he brisk walked there, and by the time he reached there, he was breathing a little harder.

But what made his day even better, was Phana, standing outside the dorms, waiting for him.

As soon as Phana saw him, he smiled and waved at him," P' Arthit".

A wave of pleasure passed through Arthit. He never knew, that just his smile would make him feel giddy.

" Good evening", Arthit smiled shyly.

For a moment, they stood there smiling at each other, then Phana said," shall we go? I have ordered takeout."


So he followed Phana, first floor, second floor, third floor, matching his steps like a kid.

When he entered the room, he was bombarded with everything Phana. It was neat and tidy, had nothing unnecessary and was smelling like him.

"P' Arthit, sit wherever you want. The food will arrive here shortly."

Arthit looked around, definitely not the bed, he thought. He chose a safer option and sat on a chair.

Right then, Phana received a call, and he went to the balcony to answer that.

Arthit took that moment to calm himself down. He was nervous and his heart was beating like crazy. I must not make a fool of myself, he decided.

Phana came back and took the parcel from the door.

"I didn't knew what you liked, so I ordered the things which I like, I hope you don't mind."

"Of course, no problem", replied Arthit and thought, i will get to know what he likes.

For drinks, Phana had ordered pink milk for both of them. And it pleased Arthit immensely. How come, everything, what Phana is doing, delighting him so much. Or is it the other way round.

They started eating silently. Arthit whacked his brain to talk about something, but Phana beat him to it-

" How's the preparation for capture the flag going?"

"It's going good"

"I heard that you are a cruel head hazer", said Phana teasingly.

"What!! Who told you that??", Asked Arthit fretting.

"Look at you, who would think, that the cruel head hazer drinks pink milk".

"Look at yourself. Who would think that the charming Dr Phana drinks pink milk too"

"Oh, so you think am charming", asked Phana slyly.

"What!!! Shut up!!", Arthit blushed and took a sip of his pink milk.

Seeing this, Phana laughed and the awkward atmosphere between them was broken.

And Arthit was puzzled for a moment, was Phana flirting with him?

After that, they ate in companionable silence. Just a few words here and there.

I must be in heaven, thought Arthit happily, looking at Phana discreetly, or so he thought. He was looking dashing as always. He was not wearing his uniform, just normal clothes and his hair was free from wax, and a little messy. It made him look softer, a sharp contrast from his usual look.

I get to see another side of him today, thought Arthit happily.

After they were done, he took his leave, " Thanks. I really didn't wanted to eat alone today. "

"No problem, if you really feel grateful, next time will be your treat", replied Phana.

Next time? There will be a next time? Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! , Arthit danced internally but replied calmly, "sure".

Phana was looking at him, as if expecting something and Arthit felt this intense desire to hug him.

"Well then, good night", Arthit said and fled, before he would do something stupid.

That was smooth, he grunted. But on the other hand, he was excited about their future plan.

When he reached his room, he suddenly noticed that he was still smiling.

"Damn!! I think I have it bad", he said to himself, and even when he went to sleep, he was still smiling.

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