His seduction (part 1)

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Arthit and his friends were done with their semester exam and were currently enjoying their holidays. After the college reopens, they will be fourth years.

Everything was going well for Arthit. His exams went well, and in a few days he will be starting his internship in a company. The only thing bothering him was his contact with Phana.

On the last day before holidays, all their friends decided to go enjoy on the beach one day. But till now, no one had taken the initiative. So now, Arthit decided to take the matters in his own hands. He planned to take advantage of this situation. He had an inkling, that maybe Phana likes him more than a friend. He'll just make sure  of it now. So He composed a group message and was about to send it when he received a call. He took it.

"Good morning P'Arthit"

Arthit smiled," good morning"

"How are you?"

"Am good"

Sure Arthit and Phana had messaged each other frequently since their holidays started. But never once had they called. So, Arthit was feeling a little nervous. And if he talked stupidly, he would blame it on his nervousness later.

"P' Arthit, we are planning a trip to the beach for the day after tomorrow. Do you and your friends want to join us?"

"Sure", replied Arthit quickly. Way to quickly and Phana laughed,

"That excited to meet me, P?"

"Yes... I mean yeah, it's been days since I met all of you guys", Arthit snapped out of his daze.

"Sure", Phana said, and Arthit was sure he was laughing at the other end.

"I'll text you the details later P", said Phana with amusement and hung up.

Damn! I messed up, thought Arthit and called his friends. And he made all sorts of deal to make them agree. Some friends he has, Arthit thought grumpily.

Arthit and his friends reached the spot at a very good time. They'll have plenty of time to play in the sea.

Now they were waiting for the other group as they have decided to meet here directly.

What after like 15 minutes, their car arrived, and Phana came out. And god, he looked hot!! He was wearing nothing out of ordinary, but the shades that he was wearing was doing things to Arthit. Seeing his awestruck face, his friends smirked and Prem said," how will you survive this trip Arthit?", And went ahead to greet them.

Arthit desperately wished his face wasn't red and followed him.


Later they were playing beach volleyball. Phana, his friends and Bright on one side and Arthit and his friends on the other.

It was very hot, and all were sweating profusely. Despite that Arthit was enjoying the game and was actually good at it. Until of course when Phana removed his shirt and put his toned and chiselled body on full display.

Arthit's heartbeat picked up. It was hot to begin with, it became hotter.
They were drawing attention from the beginning, but now all eyes snapped to him. And Arthit can't blame them, he did looked desirous.

Now Arthit's mind wasn't on the game, he just wanted to sit and stare at Phana. And his wish was granted in a way. Because he was not paying attention, he was hit square on face and decided to take a rest. Bright accompanied him.

" Enjoying the view, aren't you Arthit?", Smirked Bright.

"What!! No!! ", Arthit blushed.

Throughout the game, his eyes were glued to Phana. After the game ended, everyone ran towards the sea to take a dip.

When Phana emerged from water, Arthit froze. His hair was wet and water was dripping from his body. Never in his life had Arthit saw a figure so enticing. And never in his life had he experienced such deep desire for someone. He never thought he could possess such lustful feelings. But now, these feelings were making thinking hard for him.

"Any more intense, and everybody will know what you wanna do to him", interrupted Bright.

At that moment, Phana turned and winked at his direction. The girls went crazy, thinking that the wink was for them. But Arthit was sure, he winked at him.

Arthit snapped out of it. Geez, what's wrong with that guy? Is he out there to seduce the whole beach population with his pheromones on full throttle.
I really need to cool down a bit.

"Come let's go join them Arthit"

And he didn't needed to be told twice.

Arthit came out after taking a bath. He was sharing a room with Bright and Knott. But he noticed they were nowhere in sight. Instead, Phana was lounging on the sofa.

" There were some room rearrangement P, I hope you don't mind"

Of course not, "No", replied Arthit.

"Then, I'll go take a bath"


When Phana came out, he was wearing only a towel.

Arthit's mouth immediately dried and he started blushing.

"Do I make you uncomfortable P?"

"You?? No, don't worry", Arthit tried to reply calmly.

"Then, nervous?"

"No, what's gotten into you?", Said Arthit but started feeling nervous, because Phana was slowly inching towards him.


Arthit shook his head.

"What about now?", Currently Phana had cornered Arthit onto a wall, with both hands caging him. Arthit had to turn his face away. His heart was beating so fast and loudly that Arthit felt it would escape his ribcage.

"P", Phana breathed.

"Yes", answered Arthit nervously.

"Are you trying to seduce me with your increased heart beat"

"What!! Who is seducing who?", Arthit exclaimed while turning his face to look at him, and their eyes connected. Phana was looking at him with half lidded eyes as if trying to find something in him.

The moment their eyes connected, Arthit felt something changed yet again. It was as if their eyes were exchanging some pieces of information without their knowledge and only required by their hearts.

After some time, Phana broke the contact, smirked at him and left to get dressed.

This is gonna be a long long night, thought Arthit, and couldn't decide if he should rejoice or be anxious.

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