His car

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Arthit was acting a little weird, even he agreed to that. Bright, who was weird himself was the one who pointed it out.

It all started, when he frequently began taking the route which passes by the dormitory area. And currently, they were doing just that.

"For the nth time Arthit, why are we going from here again. Won't it be better if we go from the front" ,said Bright.

"For the nth time Bright, the college library is nearer if we take this route. Besides what is your problem?", Asked Arthit.

"It's because, he's afraid that he'll run into his ex", replied Knott.

"Oh",Arthit felt a little guilty because he knew that Bright was  still uncomfortable around her and decided not to go from here when he's with his friends. That meant, his frequency will decrease and so will the chances, sighed Arthit. But hold on...in the mornings, he comes to college alone, it's perfect!!
Wait but....chances of what?? Arthit refused to answer that.

"Sorry Bright", apologized Arthit.

But in turn, Bright narrowed his eyes and looked at him suspiciously," something's going on here, what is it Arthit, why the sudden frequent visits to the library?"

"Sheesh, can't a student study regularly? Semester exams are coming. Infact even you should start studying", Arthit scoffed and went ahead.

And it was true, semester exams were just a month and a half away. It doesn't hurt to start early, does it? Besides if his library timings matched with his study group, it was pure coincidence. It was not like he went to the library everyday for a whole week just to find that. It just so happened that he needed to complete his assignment and was required to visit the library everyday and he noticed it in the passing. And as for the route, he just liked the scenery here better, with rows of plumeria alba and their exotic scent.

"Wow" Arthit's thoughts were broken by Bright's exclamation. He turned back to see Bright pointing to something. When he looked in that direction, he saw a brand new black car parked in front of the dormitory. It looks so expensive and sexy, Arthit thought.

Prem whistled and said," I wonder who is the lucky owner?"

"Who indeed?I wonder, if the owner matches this car",said Arthit.

"Come, we should keep moving. Don't want to stop a student from studying", teased Toota and went ahead.

"Damn you Toota", Arthit cursed running after him. And everybody else followed them.
Right now they were sitting inside the library. And he was sitting just a few tables away. Everyone was concentrating on their work, except Bright. Currently, he was clicking his pen continuously and watching Arthit. And it was driving him crazy.

"Aha",said Bright loudly.

"Not so loud, idiot", said Prem smacking his head.

"What now",Toota hissed.

"I know what Arthit is hiding. He likes the librarian", Bright explained happily.

Arthit's head shot up. He looked up and stared at his friend in disbelief.

"From where did you concluded that? And what if I do?", He asked.

"You, my friend, must be thinking that either we are stupid or blind. But I'll prove you wrong. I noticed You started frequenting the library when she joined. You always visit when she is there and she is pretty.", concluded Bright.

Arthit just gaped at him.

"But don't worry, we'll help you."

And by help he meant, coming to the library everyday for a week, and on the fifth day, they spotted her wearing an engagement ring.

Arthit must say he was amused with this whole ordeal because Bright was too much into this, and right now he was upset and decided to keep a consolation party for Arthit.

But Arthit was feeling a little guilty too because his friends were sad for him. So on their way to pub, he decided to clear things up.

But at that exact moment the black car they were admiring drove by. And the driver was none other that Phana, sitting with the campus star.

"Woah, don't they look hot together", exclaimed Bright.

"Yeah, I bet they are dating", commented Toota.

Suddenly Arthit was having a very uncomfortable feeling inside his chest. His mood soured and he felt bitter. Now he felt the consolation party was justified. At least, he thought, the owner matched the car, no, actually it's the other way round. It's the car that matches it's owner.

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