His smell

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Currently Arthit was having a dull headache. It was 9 am on a Saturday morning, and it was quite a cheerful day, really. But if you asked Arthit, he would say, it's a dreadful one.

The reason why he was so irritated, was because he hasn't slept properly for the past few nights, and was awake the whole previous night. Their group project was due this morning, and like any regular student, they procrastinated it till the last moment, and now rushed it. But they still managed to complete it, and it came out quite decent if you asked him. Just this morning they submitted it and now they were sitting in a nearby cafe for breakfast.

But Arthit was having second thoughts about it, because he really needed to sleep. Anyone who knew him would be aware, how much Arthit loves sleeping. But Knott insisted on having breakfast saying, even if he slept now, he would wake up in a few hours due to rumbling stomach.

So here he was, sleepy, tired and hungry. And all these combined together made him irritated and snappy. And right now, the fact that even now, Bright was chirpy, annoyed the hell out of him.

"And that's how, I got her number", Bright continued.

"Will you please be quite for a minute, I am having a headache here", Arthit hissed.

His friends looked at each other and decided to stay quite. After a while, their breakfast arrived and they ate silently.

"Wow P, aren't you all looking wonderful today", a cheerful voice came from behind Arthit.

Now Arthit was already at his limit. He was sure that they were looking like zombies. Even then, someone has the nerve to say something like that. This idiot needs to shut up, he thought and snapped," Even you can look this wonderful, just don't sleep for a few nights."

"It won't work on us, we already are used to it", said another voice.

Arthit opened his mouth and turned around to give a reply, but shut his mouth immediately, as soon as he saw them.

"Oh!, It's our doctor group, come come, join us", said Bright cheerfully.

The doctors came and wished them good morning. Kit and Beam seated themselves beside Bright, across Arthit. Phana was about to sit to the left of Knott, but Knott immediately shot up from beside Arthit saying he doesn't like sitting in the middle. Arthit shot him an angry look but Knott just smirked in answer.

So now they were sitting around the table amicably, and having a gentle conversation. But Arthit's mind was in a chaos.

No,no,no,no,no. This is insane. I am not ready for this. I need prior information to face this, he thought. He peeked a look at Phana who was sitting beside him. He looked fresh and picturesque as always. Suddenly Arthit became very conscious of his looks. Oh god, why today of all days, he cursed.

"Can you shift a little more", he vaguely heard someone say. And the next thing he knew, Phana was shifting closer to him, too close for his comfort, so close that their legs were almost touching, and close enough, that Arthit came in the sphere of his cologne. His eyes immediately snapped up, his sleep went far away, and he started feeling intoxicated. His cologne had a woody flavour, sandalwood perhaps? And when mixed with his smell, was making Arthit feel heady. And then, all his delicious body heat was also creeping in, making him feel warm all over. As if in a daze, he leaned a little closer.

Someone coughed and called his name. Arthit immediately snapped out of it and saw it was Knott who called and he was now looking at him in amusement.

Arthit immediately blushed, and slowly resumed his previous position.

"P'Arthit, are you alright?", Asked Phana.

This made him blush a little more, if that was possible.

"He's not", answered Knott.

Immediately everybody looked at him and Arthit stared at him wildly. " He had been away from his dear sleep, that's why he's a little zoned out."

Damn you Knott, thought Arthit angrily, he's having too much fun. I'll get back to him for this. And he became angrier at his own actions. First a stalker, now a pervert. Great, just great. He became angry at what his mere presence was doing to him. Angry at the control he had on him, without even knowing. But, he was more happy than angry, that they finally met. He knows my name, he thought happily and sipped his milk, and it sounds wonderful coming out of his mouth.

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